This is the font I'll be using for blurbs from now on :)
The fans love you because you make Ashton happy.They want what is best for Ashton and they don't like seeing him upset.He's always smiling in pictures that you take together and the fans love that.They couldn't ask for a better girl for Ashton.
The fans love you because you're perfect for Calum.They loved how cute you two were and they loved seeing picture of you.They always tell you that you're pretty and although there's always that one mean person,most of the fans were nice.
The fans love you because they loved the funny videos you and Luke are always posting on Instagram and Twitter.He seems genuinely happy when he's with you.He's always laughing so hard in the videos and the fans can't help but crack a smile at that.
The fans love you because you're always so positive and happy.When times are hard for Michael they can always count on you to be there for him.You always put a smile on everyone's face because of how cheerful you are and Michael being one of those people.