0.2 ♡teething

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"What?!" Taeyong exclaimed dumbfounded about the words that came out of his sisters mouth.

"Please Taeyong, I need to leave but I can't take her back with me. I won't let her live a life like us." She pleaded and now every tear she was holding back came pouring out. This struck something in Taeyong. The memories of their family life running through his head. A child as innocent as a baby should never fall victim to what they had to.

So Taeyong made the hardest decision of his life.

"When do you leave?"

The siblings were now at the airport. Not a single word was said between them as they rode over.

Jiyoo stared at her brother who was now a full grown adult. Not the fifteen year old she left behind. The one who depended on her for everything as their parents failed to do so. He carried her luggage walking alongside of her. Taeyong was now a few inches taller than her who seemed to have shrunken these past years.

Now at the start of security, it was time that they parted. Jiyoo felt the tears in her eyes resurface as she tries to blink them away. But she fails as Taeyong pulls her into an embrace. His arms tighten around her as she sobs into her you her brother's shoulder.

"Please promise me something jiyoo." He says quietly. His voice breaking as he too was trying not to cry.

"Beat your illness and come back to us." This made her cry even more. The thought of coming back and having her family with her was a dream.

Jiyoo nods and wipes the rest of her tears away. She gives Taeyong a warm smile and brings her hands to touch his face.

"Look at you, all grown up." She says and he chuckles. His eyes crinkle and a few stray tears fall out.

They both said their goodbye's and just like that, Jiyoo was off to America. It was a bittersweet feeling as he knew that she was going back to where she suffered. But Taeyong needed to be here, to take care of her daughter. The sole reason for her leaving the child was to completely give her to Taeyong. Jiyoo didn't want the father finding her baby, because in her words, he didn't have any rights to her or was her father. Jiyoo handed Taeyong legal papers in which handed custody to him. To say Taeyong didn't hesitate would be a lie, the boy was fresh out of university. Of course he had a good office job but would he be to take care of another human?

Nonetheless, Taeyong signed the papers.

Haerin was with a friend of Jiyoo, Ria, who was her classmate in high school through uni. It was like picking up your puppy from the pound but instead it was a living human BABY. If Taeyong wouldn't have accepted, would Jiyoo have left her behind?

He didn't want to think that of his sister but whose to say she won't do it again.

Taeyong presses the door bell. All he could hear was chaos from the other side of the door. A very disheveled woman answered the door. Her eyes widened as she immediately holds a baby that he didn't notice was in her arms towards him.

"I'd recognize Jiyoo's brother anywhere, here hold her and I'll bring you the rest of her stuff." She says, Taeyong taking the baby girl in his arms. The lady goes inside the room with a speed like the flash.

"What did you do to her huh?" Taeyong asks the baby as if she knew what he was saying. All Haerin does was squirm and babbles. Showing her two little baby tooth's poking through her gums. Taeyong smiles warmly and coos at her. Haerin was an angel and too cute in his eyes.

"Here you go. I fed her already so you can give her another bottle in about 2 hours, she's a hungry baby." Ria chuckles handing a diaper bag to Taeyong and a car seat. Taeyong maneuvers baby Haerin to one arms and puts her into the baby carrier.

"Can't believe Jiyoo dumped that baby on to such a young kid." Ria says shaking her head but Taeyong doesn't say anything. Taking the handle and bowing the woman leaving.

"Guess it's just you and me Haerin."

The two of them finally make it into Taeyong's shared apartment. Johnny wasn't home and Taeyong thanked god because the bastard would've been annoying him. It was quiet and dark in there, Taeyong immediately turning on the lights so he wouldn't trip with the baby and bust both of their asses. He put down the carrier and took Haerin into his arms.

She fast asleep in the car but woke up immediately at being held. Haerin made all these type of baby babbles and stuck her hands in her mouth a lot. Which she was doing now, but opted to lay her tiny fingers on Taeyong's face after soaking them with baby saliva. Taeyong groans but doesn't move her fingers. She seemed happy letting them smack down on his, and he didn't want her unhappy already.

Taeyong was laying on the sofa with the baby sitting on chest. It would be a lie to say Taeyong wasn't exhausted. All he could think about was wrapping his warm blankets around his body. Haerin was now playing with Taeyong's hair, pulling and rearranging it. He felt himself falling asleep, until he heard something from the front door.

"Hey Taeyong why is there- OH MY GOD A BABY!"

I guess Johnny was home.

A/N: Here's an update! It might be too short but the next won't be! Baby Haerin finally appeared, you really can't describe babies face (well you could but I'm too lazy)

But she's cute asf okay?

Anyways please Vote and Comment it motivates me to continue writing and updating!! XO

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