We Found a Way Out

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Hi my name is Rose, I have blue eyes and black hair. I was kidnap from my family and put in this maze. And worst it was Thanksgiving, I love turkey! I hope my family is okay.


I was up stairs in my room with my cousins, 4 (Zeus), 5 (Alyssa), 6 (Jo), and two 10 year olds (Rick & Emma). We where watching Charlie Brown, the Thanksgiving special. Thats my and Emma's favorite movie to watch on Thanksgiving.

As Charlie and his friends are getting off the Mayflower, someone knock on the door. I got off my bed, that we are all sitting on, and answer the door. When I open the door there was some person in all black in the door frame. I look up at the person's face and they were wearing a mask, like what ninjas wear. The only thing I could see was their eyes, their bright blue eyes.

The person held a cup under my nose. I heard Emma and Rick yell at the same time "ROSE GET AWAY!!" Hey they are twins they do that a lot. But they were to late I pass out cold. Face first, ouch!

*Flashback over*

I was walking in between Alex and Jesus. Alex ask me "Hey Rose how did you get here?" I told them what was in the flashback.

Jesus said "That's who brought me and Jazz here! And he or she has Nicka and Gray! We have to find him!" I was a little lost. who is Jazz, Gray, and Nicka? Is Nicka a real name? "A Jesus who is-" I was cut of by some huge bird/human thing in a toga. What's up with all the monsters not being normal! I mean come on!

I saw Alex grab Rose and ran. I stay and fought the monster. It throw a punch at my head, but I dodge it. This happen for a while. I jump behind it and jump on the human bird thing back. I rap my arms around its neck and choke it. When the thing was dead I ran and try to find Alex and Rose.

When I found them they were standing in a doorway. What?! A doorway?! I ran to them and ask "What-what is this? Is this a way out?" Alex sat Rose down and said "There is a doorway to what looks like a elevator. I think we found are way out." Rose had a big smile on her face when Alex said that. Man she remember me of Jazz when she was little. I hope she is still okay and alive.

We walk into the elevator and Rose push the only button on there. Then green gas filled the room. Rose wrap her arms around my whist, Alex yelled "Knock.......Out..........Gas." And we all fell to the ground, and pass out.

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