In the Elevator, Bored to Death! Well Some What....

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I open my eyes and I was back in the elevator with everyone. I look around and everyone was asleep. I lay my head back down on Percy's shoulder and fell back asleep. I remember when we went back home after Max die. It was hard to tell our parents that their 1st born child just die.

Everyone took Max death hard. Jesus would just lock himself in his room and wouldn't come out for days. Alex ran away after the small funeral for Max. Mom and dad made us move from Nevada to Oklahoma.

I woke up again and we still had about 14 minutes left. Percy started to wake up. "Hey Jazz. O I guess everyone was tier too. Hey you okay? Why is my shirt wet?" Percy ask me. "Sorry I had a very bad dream."
"What about" he ask.
"My sister's death. She got shot with a gun when we try to leave the maze. I was about 7......" I told him the whole story. Have you ever had the feeling you are going to cry, but you try to hold it back and fail? I started to have that happen to me when I told the story.

When I finish Percy cup my face with his hands and wipes my tears away. Then he did something I didn't see coming. HE KISS ME, MY FIRST REAL KISS! He pull away and said "I'm sorry to hear about your sister but we all going to get out of here alive. This is my new family and I have to protect it."

I hesitated then answer "Thank you Percy, but there is no way we can leave and get back home with out one thing going wrong. And you are a good kisser too." I made him blush. I laugh a little, he was cute when he blush.

We both sat in silence for a bet. I look around. Jesus and Alex fell asleep on my left, the girls on Percy's right, in front of me was the doors.

Then there was a loud dinging sound. Everyone jump from being startle from the sound. I look at the doors as they open slowly and you could not believe what I saw.....

AUOTHR NOTE: Sorry for the short chapter guys!! I love how many people have read my chapter "Max's last mission", that mean so much to me! I added a "author note" so please read it!
Bye!!!!!!!Have a good day!!!!

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