Chapter 1

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SIX WAS SITTING looking at the Emerald Lake on Xiantha. He gave a deep sigh. He couldn't see why Diva was so determined to go back to visit the Namura clan on Coriolis.

"You already saw where they lived," he said. "What sort of a welcome do you think they are likely to give you, anyway? You are still a meritocrat, remember? As I recall, meritocrats are their least favourite people."

"I have to go back. I want to talk to that old woman – the one who officiated at Petra's funeral. There was something about her ... something that I have to know." Diva gave a rueful smile. "I am not even sure myself."

Six stirred. "We'll both go."

She shook her head. "No. If you go then the whole dynamic will be different. I don't think she will talk to me in front of a man."

"Yes, but look here, Diva. Last time we went back to Mesteta, your famous cousin Tartalus nearly killed me. I am not too keen on your taking Raven over on your own. He is still making trouble, from what I hear."

Female eyes flashed in his direction. "Are you suggesting that I can't look after my own daughter?"

He held up a hasty hand. "No, no! Just that you might not have taken into account Tartalus, is all."

"Tartalus will not be a problem; that I can guarantee you." There was steel in her voice. "But I do have to introduce Raven to her grandparents, and it really ought to be before long. Coriolan law states that she should be given the emblem of succession before she is 2 years old. After all, she will inherit the meritocracy one day. You did say you didn't want them to come here."

"No kidding! Your mother still sounds like a walking dictionary, and your father can hardly bear to bring himself to look at me. You know what he thinks of Kwaidian no-names."

She made a face, and they sat for a few moments in silence.

Another thought occurred to Six. "Why don't you take some of the other children? If you have to go at all, that is?" Six stared out of the open doors of the house at the Emerald Lake, contemplating all fifty of his children, who were currently enjoying their two weeks holiday with their real parents. The screams and laughter coming from the water's edge were deafening. Luckily they were being supervised by five of the Donor Headquarters staff, so Six and Diva could find the time to speak in private.

"You know I can't. The Xianthan panchromes took long enough to give us special dispensation just for Raven and allow us full custody of her. Otherwise I wouldn't even have been able to take her. In any case, you know what my parents are like. They can't understand how we came to have fifty children in the first place." Diva looked over in the direction of the towering Xianthes thoughtfully. "I wouldn't want to overload them. Now that we know that the heir to Coriolis is to be Raven, then she is the only grandchild they should get to know, at least at first. I'll go when the weather gets colder, in a few months."

Six peered gloomily out into the bright Xianthan sun. "I shall miss you."

Diva grinned. "You will have to try to keep out of trouble while I am gone, no-name!"

"I like that! I never get into trouble." He thought for a few moments. "Well, hardly ever." Lazily he leaned over to give his wife's hair a short tug. "I love you."

Diva retaliated with a light punch to the upper part of his arm. "I love you too. But stop trying to control what I do. Just because we live together doesn't mean you get to decide what I do, or where I go."

"Perish the thought! With such a cranky wife I wouldn't dare!" Six treated her to one of his insouciant grins.

She gave him a look. What do you mean, cranky? I am so not cranky! Not ever!"

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