Chapter 9

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LEDIN, DIVA AND Grace had started from the front of the island, too, working their way back towards the hatches. It was slow, dangerous work, and nerves were on edge. It seemed that they needed eyes in the backs of their heads to see where the next Dessite was coming from.

There was nothing at all in the first quarter of the search, and it wasn't until they were approaching the cell which had held the visitor, a year ago, that they realized they were getting close. The number of Dessites in the area had increased exponentially, and there was a secretive hum of excitement about those which were coming and going from the area.

Ledin nudged Grace, and she nodded, before signaling to Diva. The laboratory in front of them seemed to be the hub of all the activity. They edged towards the large door.

At first, they could see nothing inside, but then they realized that the laboratory was being kept dark deliberately, that some effort was being made to keep the orthogel in an ambience it was used to.

For, in the middle of the laboratory, was a huge pool of darkness, which they could see was being constrained in some sort of a transparent container.

Diva's eyes opened wide. That was a huge volume; it looked much more than the ten tons which the visitor had mentioned! She couldn't even begin to imagine how the Dessites had got hold of it. She looked towards the others and made a slight movement to indicate the explosives which she was carrying. Ledin inclined his head. There was certainly nothing to be decided here; they had no choice. His hand went automatically to the explosives at the side of his belt, too, and he began to untie them.

Grace looked down and fumbled at her own belt, her scarred hands and missing fingers making her clumsy.

Diva looked again at them both and made signs that they should each try to estimate how many of the Dessites they would have to get past.

They nodded their understanding and looked surreptitiously around. It was going to be very hard to get in close to the orthogel, they could see. Apart from the continual to-ing and fro-ing of the Dessite investigators, there were at least six who seemed to be in the laboratory all the time, probably acting as guards.

It didn't take them long to see that there was an insurmountable problem. There were simply too many Dessites in that particular chamber for them to be able to get past and set the explosive. Grace bit her lip. The only thing she could think of was for someone to entice the Dessites away from their posts, leaving time for the others to get inside and get the explosives set.

She turned to Diva and Ledin, and the three of them eased themselves behind a small pile of machinery that was in the process of being transported into the laboratory, but had been temporarily deposited to the left-hand side of the door.

"We will have to create some sort of a distraction. What do you both think?"

Diva nodded, but Ledin seemed doubtful. "It will be very dangerous for the one who provokes the distraction," he said. "With all the Dessites in the area rushing out to see what is happening, it is going to be hard not to be caught. I will do it."

Grace opened her mouth, but then closed it again. Diva shook her head decisively.

"I will go," she said, in a tone that brooked no gainsaying. "You two can place the explosives, detonate them as soon as you are out of the area, and then make your way back to the hatches. I am much quicker than either of you, you both know that. It will be a doddle. All I have to do is place a tiny quantity of explosive against one of the walls, and then make tracks out of there."

Ledin hesitated. It seemed to him that the most dangerous part of the mission would be providing the distraction. Finally, he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but I think I had better do that," he said slowly. "As soon as you two hear the small explosion, get close enough to place those charges." He passed his explosive and fuses to Diva, leaving himself with only two fuses and a small quantity of explosive. "Grace, you leave the fuses to Diva – she will be able to manipulate them more easily. Your job will be to place the explosives, all right? Make sure that the charges are in place, even if you are able to communicate with Arcan; we aren't going to get a second chance."

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