Chapter 3

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WHEN THEY FINALLY walked into the Namuri camp, Diva was exhausted. It had taken them all that day and well into the night to reach the clan, and she was nearly dropping. Raven had done her best to keep up, but her age limited her ability and she had to be carried much of the way. Although Tallen had offered to carry Raven all of the time, Diva had insisted on doing her share, and was surprised at how much a toddler could weigh.

They came to the camp, and then Diva stopped, absolutely amazed.

The path out of the marsh was lined with Namuri, and each person was holding a blue namura stone up in front of them. She stared. How could they have known to be here right now? Nobody could have known their time of arrival – they hadn't themselves.

They walked through the waiting guard of honour and slowly approached the tremendously old and wrinkled woman who was standing at the end of the line of Namuri, a huge stone held out in both hands at the height of her forehead.

"We have been waiting for you both," she said. "—And for your daughter, too." The old woman held the stone out towards Raven and waited.

The small girl examined the stone curiously. Then she looked up at the ancient woman for permission to touch it. The old woman nodded. Raven stretched out one hand and touched the stone with the tips of her fingers. She looked surprised and reached further out to take hold of it with both hands.

"Hot!" she said. "Stone 'live."

The sibyla smiled, pleased. "Yes, child, the blue stones are alive. You have felt their power. Now, I expect you are hungry and tired. Look – over there we have set out a table with some chocolate for you. Do you like chocolate?"

Did she like chocolate? Raven forgot the stone and ran for the table, as fast as her little legs could carry her. At last, something good was happening on this planet. She tried first one piece, tentatively, and then began to grab more, together with sweetfruits and water coloured by squeezed citrus fruits. Diva made to stop her, but the old woman held up a hand.

"Do not stop the child from enjoying herself." She looked behind her, and two girls of about 12 or 13 stepped forwards. "These girls will look after your daughter, and see that she comes to no harm. They will let her eat enough, but not too much. You may leave her safety to them."

Diva examined the Namuri girls, remembering just how seriously Petra had taken her mission. These girls could be trusted with Raven, she knew. She inclined her head to them and, laughing together, they followed the little girl in the direction of the table.

"Now you will eat a small amount, and then you will sleep." The sibyla took her by the arm and led her in the direction of a different table. "You are very tired."

That was certainly true. She turned around to see where Tallen was, but he had discreetly melted into the darkness. As if she sensed what Diva was thinking, the old woman explained.

"Tallen is with his clan. They will care for him. He needs these days here with us. He is still deeply wounded in his spirit from the loss of his sister."

"I know." Diva compressed her lips. "He misses her so much."

"He will not recover from her loss for many, many years. It is a heavy burden for him to carry."

Diva smiled, indicating the feast laid out for them. "This is very sumptuous. Thank you."

The sibyla showed bent and discoloured teeth in what passed as a smile. Diva almost cringed away, then realized that health care could not be much in evidence amongst the clans and felt guilty at her own sparkling white teeth. She bent her head.

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