Chapter 14

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THE VOICE IN the wind was back by breakfast the next morning, and Grace was very glad to see Arcan. Although the Namuri clan had been kind to them, she didn't particularly relish staying there for much longer. She knew that Diva had found peace in this strange camp, but she didn't think that she herself would. Arcan seemed shadowy, almost ethereal.

"What happened last night?" she asked him. "Did you stay with the sibyla?"

A slight tremor seemed to pass through the orthogel entity. "She makes no sense," he said. "She speaks in riddles."

"Diva thought very highly of her."

"She will not answer my questions."

"What did you ask?"

"What my future was."

"You were sticking to the easy questions then?" Grace found herself smiling, remembered Diva, lost the smile, and ended up looking confused. How could she have smiled? She must be a bad person.

Arcan was staring down at her. "What is the matter?"

"I smiled."

"You have never regretted smiling before."

"How could I have smiled?"

"Would Diva be angry to know you had smiled?"

"N-o-o. I suppose not."

"Then you should smile more often. Or is there a set date when it will be correct to smile again?" He pulsed. "I find your customs arbitrary. Diva would be wanting you all to remember her with lightness. Do not make her memory dark and morbid."

It was unusual for Arcan to make a speech like that; Grace was surprised. But he was absolutely right; Diva would hate them to remember her as a drain on their spirits, something dragging them down. She blinked. It was a gift that she had been able to smile. She should do it more often.

Ledin joined her at the long table, and they saw both the sibyla and Six approaching from the direction of the marshes. When Grace saw Six's face she jumped up and ran to hug him tightly.

"Oh Six." She started to cry. "What can I do?"

He gave a helpless shrug.

She pulled him close to her and stroked the back of his head, trying to soothe him, but he pushed her away, disentangling her arms quietly and handing her back to Ledin, as if delivering an important package.

Tallen had appeared from behind them and was now standing to one side. Six looked at him. The two exchanged a silent communication, and then Tallen moved up to Six's side.

A tall man, with a weather-beaten face and no hands joined them. He held himself proudly, despite his disability. Six wondered if Diva had met him. The sibyla fell in behind them, with Raven and the two girls who were looking after her. Grace and Ledin moved forwards, upon a sign from Tallen. Then another, and another and another of the Namuri slipped into place behind them.

Gradually the small communal area filled with shapes carrying namura stones in their hands.

The procession filed solemnly down to the place of burial beside the huge old tree Six had sat under all night. This time there was no body to escort, no pall bearers with their precious load. This time they were accompanied by a dull chant.

When they reached the marshes, Arcan flowed to the front.

"Diva gave me this stone, which saved her friends' lives, and helped me to escape from the carbon nanographite trap which was containing me. She told me I would bring it back here, to Coriolis, and she was right." Light shivered through him. "Diva was my friend and, although she was only a transient, I shall miss her."

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