Chapter 22

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SIX AND LEDIN collapsed back on the floor of the cryonutrient chamber on Dessia, panting. Ledin had won the short mock battle between them and was wearing a smug smile. Six, on the other hand, seemed rather downcast.

"You shouldn't have won,"

Ledin grinned. "You have been slacking on your combat practice recently. You are out of condition."

"That's true. Ever since Diva ..." His face went still.

"Diva would be the first person to tell you that is no excuse. You need more physical work-outs. I will come over each day I am on Xiantha, and we can spar together."

Six nodded. "Thanks. I guess I do need the practice. Tallen has been trying to keep me in form, but I must admit, my heart hasn't really been in it."

"No problem. It will do me some good too. I don't really get enough combat practice up on the space station, either."

Arcan hovered in front of them. "Can you feel the difference? Diva has succeeded in blocking the Ammonites. The canths are now concentrating here on Dessia."

"That's why I was feeling more clear-headed!" said Six.

"Isn't that a contradiction in terms?" suggested the visitor, with a faint buzz.

Six glared. "No it isn't!"

"Just saying." The visitor gave the morphic equivalent of a shrug and moved casually out of reach of Six's hands.

Ledin grinned again. "I see you two haven't changed much."

"It's him!" Six told Ledin. "He will insist on underestimating me."

"That's impossible!" said the visitor. Then, obviously pleased with his wit, he gave another spin.

"Look here, needle brain, leave it alone, will you? You are hardly the sharpest prong in the fork yourself."

"You are the most stubborn alien lifeform I have ever come across."

"Thank you." Six looked gratified. "It is nice of you to say so."

The visitor darkened. "I don't know what Diva sees in you."

"Oh don't you? Well, let me tell you ..." There was a long pause, and then he said reluctantly, "I don't either."

The visitor shimmered. "There! Even you admit it!"

"Of course I do! There isn't a man in the binary system worthy of Diva." His face fell. "I mean, there wasn't, before ... before she ..."

Arcan luckily interrupted them there. "I think the Dessite form is becoming conscious," he told them. "Visitor, you should talk to him. We have to get his support before the Ammonites reform into the astrand and begin to attack the canths again. Once the canths withdraw their minds from here, you will find it impossible to stay in the vicinity."

The visitor nodded. He rushed towards the cryovat, pushing Six to one side and managing to burn him.

"Here! Drat it, Visitor, that hurt!" He rubbed the side of his face. "I already have two scars along that cheek!"

"Another one can only improve you," came the quick reply.

Six stared at the bimorph and his jaw dropped. "What ...?"

But the shape in the vat was indeed moving; all retaliation was forgotten as it suddenly righted itself, and its huge head emerged from the cryonutrient tank.

The visitor moved directly in front of it and stopped. Although neither Six nor Ledin could hear what was being said, it was clear that the newly awoken Dessite was hardly able to take it all in. Its membranes rippled continuously, on a couple of occasions even sticking straight out from its body.

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