Chapter 2

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Dedication: Batman_Cupcake [For translating this story in German (:]

Luke's been following Ashton around, much to the shorter boy's annoyance. It's now after school and while Ashton is sticking his books into his locker the blond bombards him with a million questions that the new boy has no intention on answering at all.

"Where are you from?"

"When's your birthday?"

"What's your favorite movie?"

"How are you liking the new school so far?"

"Jesus," mutters Ashton as he slams his locker shut and glares at Luke. "Will you shut up?! You're like the pest I can never get rid of."

"I just want to get to know you," Luke says, pouting.

Ashton raises an eyebrow. "How badly do you want to know me?"

"On a scale from one to ten, twenty-four."

The new boy crosses his arms over his chest, nodding his head at Luke's answer.

"You wanna get to know me?" Ashton asks and the blond nods. He sighs and then holds his hand out at Luke.

The taller boy stares at the hand, unsure of what to do.

"What?" he asks finally.

"Give me your phone," orders Ashton and Luke slowly takes his rectangular device out. When he hands it to Ashton the new guy takes it and starts tapping away on the screen with one thumb.

He shoves the phone back at Luke and points at the screen.

"My house. Four o'clock," Ashton bluntly says. "Be there, no sooner nor later than that."

A wide smile appears on Luke's face and Ashton walks off. Luke looks down and reads the address over and over again until he feels he's memorized it by heart.

He's mentally cheering inside and then he spins on his heels and hurries down the hall to look for his friends and tell them the progress he's made with Ashton.


"Why are you so happy?" Calum asks when Luke bounces behind him and throws his arms around his friend's neck.

"I'm going over to Ashton's later!" the blond squeals, holding his phone in front of Calum's face.

"Ashton? You mean that new guy?" Luke nods his head too excitedly, like it's going to fall off if he nods any more. "Okay, have fun with him. But try not to get pregnant."

Luke rolls his eyes. "Please. I'm not going to get pregnant. I'm a guy. Guys can't get pregnant."

"You might be a special kind of guy." Calum flicks Luke's forehead and then the two start down the hall. "Have you told Michael yet?"

"No. Where is he?"

Calum shrugs. "Probably looking for us. Let's go find him, yeah?"

Luke agrees and then the two walk around the school to search for their red haired friend. Once they find Michael Luke repeats the same news to Michael, but his reaction to it is a lot more different from Calum's.

"I really don't think you should go over to his house," Michael warns. "I heard some pretty awful stuff about him."

"Like what?" Luke questions, curiosity filling him. "I want to know."

"It's too much for your innocent mind to handle."

"My mind isn't innocent at all!"

"Thanks for the information, Luke."

Luke groans, shaking his head. "I mean, I can handle it. So what is it?"

"Just... don't go to his house, okay? That's all I can tell you."

Unsatisfied with his friend's response, Luke pouts and then excuses himself from his friends. He checks the time on his phone and sees that it's only three. He's got an hour to spare, so he decides that he'll go home first, start doing some homework, and then take a quick shower before he can go over to Ashton's place.

He just hopes that time will fly faster, because, if anything, Luke's looking forward to seeing Ashton again later on.

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