Chapter 9

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Luke opens the door slightly and watches as the stranger starts to lead Ashton to his car. He doesn't want Ashton to go away, especially with a creep like the old pervert.

He tries to muster up enough strength and courage to swing the door wide open to stop the two, but he's frozen in place. When the man opens the door for Ashton to climb into the car Luke finally bursts.

"Stop!" he finally exclaims, the man and Ashton turning to look at him.

"Luke?" Luke rushes out of the house and runs over to Ashton. Ashton turns himself completely around so his entire front is facing Luke and then their bodies collide as the blond pulls the shorter boy into a tight embrace.

"Don't go with him," Luke begs. "Please, stay."

"Don't worry 'bout me, Luke," Ashton whispers back. "Just go back inside."

"Get the fuck in the car," hisses the man and Luke sends a glare his way.

"Ashton's not going anywhere," Luke retorts. "He's staying with me."

"Luke, what are you doing? Knock it off!" Ashton says, but Luke's eyes are still glaring daggers at the older man.

"I'm not giving Ashton to you!"

The stranger scoffs. "I was informed that you two aren't together. You're wasting my time, blondie. Scram or I might as well take both of you with me."

"Luke, please go!" Ashton tries to push Luke away, but the taller boy doesn't budge.

"You wouldn't want your innocence to be given to someone like me, would you?" The man gestures to Ashton. "That slut you're holding lost his to me. Think this over, blondie. Do you really want to go down the same path as he did?"

Ashton hides a laugh behind his lips when Luke responds to the guy with a Bronx cheer. The older man slams his fist against the hood of his car and his nostrils flare angrily.

"I'm done with your fucking games! Get in the fucking car, both of you!"

"Luke, run!" Ashton cries out as he finally draws away from the blond's arms, grabbing one of them and pulling Luke away from the older man.

The two don't get very far when suddenly Luke is tugged away from Ashton. The shorter boy spins around and sees Luke crying out for help as the man drags him back to his car.

"Ashton! Help!" the blond shouts and then the older man smacks Luke across the face as he starts shoving him into the car. Anger fills up Ashton as he bolts straight for the stranger.

"Get your fucking hands off of him!" Ashton jumps onto the guy's back and throws his legs around the guy, crushing the guy's upper body and choking his neck with his arms. The man nearly loses his balance as he leans back and he takes many steps away from the car, giving Luke access to get out.

"Get off me, you brat!" shouts the man as he tries to swing a hit at the shorter boy.

"Luke's mine!" Ashton's hand balls up into a fist as he slams it right into the guy's face. He continues punching him multiple times until the man starts to lose consciousness and falls backwards.

"Ashton!" Luke yells out when the stranger and Ashton fall to the sidewalk with a loud thud. The blond runs over to the two and notices that the guy is passed out and Ashton's pulling himself out from underneath the man. Luke stands behind Ashton, linking his arms under Ashton's and pulling him out. "Are you okay?!"

"This fucking fatass geezer just crushed my groin!" Ashton shouts once Luke takes him the front lawn. The blond draws away from the shorter boy and Ashton's arms immediately go in between his legs as he rolls onto his side and groans, like doing so will take away the pain. Luke sits beside Ashton and places the shorter boy's head on his lap. "God, it hurts!"

"I'm gonna call the police now." Luke reaches into his pocket and immediately dials the number.


One of the officers ask Luke a bunch of questions as he watches the police drag the unconscious man and put him into the back of the police car. Once all the questions have been answered the officer thanks Luke and he goes over to the police car. The vehicle starts to pull away from the curb and is then gone from Luke's sight.

Ashton's groaning and pain has gone down and is almost drifting off to sleep. Luke runs his fingers through the boy's wavy hair, fondly smiling down at him.

"How're you doing, Ashton?" Luke asks.

"I've been better," Ashton mumbles and Luke just chuckles.

"Well, that guy's gone. He's never coming back." The shorter boy hums and Luke's smile fades. "Do you think you can walk?"

"I don't know, I can try." Ashton lifts himself off of Luke's lap and gets onto his feet, but nearly falls back down. Luke's quick to catch him and helps him stand. Then the two slowly make their way back to Ashton's house.

Once the two make it inside Luke leads Ashton over to the couch and the shorter boy lies down on it, throwing an arm over his eyes and letting out a heavy sigh.

"Well, that was an interesting night we had," Ashton comments.

"Y-Yeah," Luke says as he sits on the edge of the couch. He wants to lie down beside Ashton, but there's no room for him, so he settles with sitting. "Do you want me to, you know, go home now?"

"I don't know, it really depends on what you want."

"I want to stay with you."

A small smile crawls onto Ashton's face for a split second, but Luke doesn't miss that. "Then stay with me."

Luke looks around the room as the wavy haired boy's quiet breathing fills the silence. His eyes land on Ashton's face and then he sees another smile appear on the boy's lips as he starts laughing quietly.

"What's so funny?" Luke asks, but Ashton just shakes his head.

"Nah, don't worry 'bout it," he responds. "It's stupid."

"Tell me, anyway."

"It's just... I don't know. Mom always told me that kisses take away the pain and make everything better." Luke raises an eyebrow at Ashton, even though the shorter boy can't see him. Ashton shakes his head. "It's dumb, I know. I mean, how can one heal the pain in my lower region?"

Luke's eyes remain on Ashton's almost covered face before they travel downward to where Ashton's thighs connect. He slides himself closer to it and he brings his fingers to the buttons of Ashton's jeans.

Suddenly Ashton sits up and stares with wide eyes as Luke finally pops the buttons open. "What are you doing?" he asks.

Luke looks up into Ashton's eyes. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to take away the pain." His eyes fixate back towards Ashton's jeans and he pulls the zipper down, his hand grabbing the hem of the pants that are by Ashton's hips and starts to tug at them.

"Wait, Luke." Ashton wraps his fingers around Luke's wrists to stop him. "You don't have to do this, you know. I mean, you're kind of new to all of this and... A-Are you sure you want to do it with me?"

Luke answers, without hesitating, "Yes. I want to do it with you and only you."

Ashton opens his mouth at first to say something, but closes it when he's unable to find anything to say. All he does is nod and then watches as the blond finally pulls his jeans along with his boxer shorts down to his ankles.

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