Ch 4. Excuse me miss

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On the other end the galactic spirit was all alone ,sad and depressed.He would sometimes smile to himself gazing at the cheerful earth he did not belong to. He had all kinds of shiny stars, white dwarfs and red giants but nobody to share with. It was peaceful but too quiet.He tried to reach out to the dream spirit. They both had the kind of worlds that could overlap and they could bring eachother the comfort they were longing for. But, to his dismay, the dream spirit was too engrossed in her own world and had no intention to step up her game and work alongside the galactic spirit. She worked hard to get along with all the earthbound spirits elemental,animalia,plantae and the soul spirit but asked the galactic spirit to wait until the time is right. The galactic spirit clinged to the false hope he was given and carried on despite a bleeding heart.

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