Chapter 1

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The clicking of Eddie's keyboard was a daily sound in the morning. I had finished getting ready when my editor called and said that he would be out of the office today. So I had the day off.

"What are you working on?" I asked. I wrapped my arms around Eddie's neck and kissed his temple.

"Oh hey, (y/n)." He closed the laptop. "Just another murder case." He looked at me and kissed me.

"One I can't know about?"

"It's pretty gruesome. You don't need to know about it." I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen to fix me some tea. "Murder is gruesome period, Eddie."

"I know. But you don't need to know the details of this one." He hugged me from behind. "Stuff with missing organs and large holes in the body. Nothing good."

"Sounds fascinating. Maybe I could use that for my book." I fixed him a cup of coffee.

"No. No you can not."

"Why not?" I sat the coffee pot down. He turned me around. He lifted me up effortlessly and sat me on the counter top. "My boss already thinks I freely gave you the details to a murder in your last book." He explained. I scoffed at him.

"I worked hard for that information. It was not free at all." He kissed me. 

"I know but you're going to have to work harder for more details in the future."

"Work harder?" I kissed him this time. I made it a point to make the kiss deeper and longer than a simple peck. I pulled back. His eyes were still closed, lips still puckered. "Maybe you shouldn't be so easy."

He sighed when he realized I wasn't coming back for more. "I'm not easy you're just that good." I laughed.

"Is the coffee ready?" Venom asked. He peeked over Eddie's shoulder. "Way to ruin the moment and you're not getting any coffee." Eddie pushed Venom's head back. "If you are not going to drink it, I will." He reached for the cup on the counter. 

"No!" Eddie turned away. "You are the last person that needs to drink coffee. It needs to be filtered through me before it gets to you."

"We could always fix him a cup of decaf." I suggested. I took out the cookie jar and gave Venom one of the cookies Eddie had with his coffee. He gladly ate it in one bite. Eddie looked at me with disbelief. "Don't give him any ideas." He picked up his coffee. I handed Venom one more before Eddie moved.

"When do you leave for work?" He walked back to the couch. "Tomorrow." I answered as I got down off the counter. He turned around. "Tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Editor's out on some job two states over. So I'll go tomorrow or Friday. His business trips usually run longer than he thinks they will. I don't care when though my weekend is free." I stretched my arms. The tea kettle started to whistle. I turned it off. I grabbed the box of tea bags off the shelf.

"So will you give me any good information?" I asked. I pour the boiling water into my cup.

"No. Hey we should go out for breakfast." He suggested. Venom poked his head out, "Agreed!" 

"I could make us something just as good here."

"No, no. We'll go to an all you can eat buffet."

"So I can watch you two eat your food, my food and all the food available? Sounds really fun Eddie."

"We will behave." Said Venom.

"Doubt that." I stirred my tea. I grabbed a straw. Eddie's phone pinged with the sound of an incoming text message. He checked it. His face scrunched up. He didn't like what he was reading.

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