Chapter 4

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She kept her word. I ate at my own pace. Eating is more enjoyable when you're not shoving it down your throat.
Eddie and Venom shared a container of rice.
"You have to take smaller bites."
"It is all going to the same place, Eddie."
"But I want to enjoy the food too." They were amusing to watch that's for sure.
Can we have more of the coconut pumpkin curry? She asked.
Then the garlic rice.
Maybe some more tea too. She stopped to think.
"I want to try the fried orange chicken next."
"Huh?" I turned to the voice on my shoulder.
"The tea is good very sweet."
"Wait a second. You're doing it." I smiled.
"What?" She looked around. "I can see you." She looked at Eddie. "I can see you." He didn't look happy about it. Venom watched on unamused. I laughed "Good job uh... Do you have a name?"
"A name? Yes, it is Azlin."
"That's different. I like it." I cut her off a small piece of fried orange chicken. "Enjoy."
"Thank you."
"Yes Eddie?" I watched Azlin. She took a small bite before shoving the whole thing in her mouth.
"Are okay with this?"
"With what?"
"With her coming out on her own."
"I don't see the problem. I was okay with her practicing."
"You shouldn't get attached to her." He warned. I giggled. "I'm not attached Eddie."
"She is not attached. Not yet. I am working on it."
"Hush, Azlin."
"We do not like this." Said Venom.
"We know you don't." I responded.
"We?" Eddie repeated. I ignored him. I had said we on accident but it was whatever.
"Eat you guys." I nudged them on. Eddie watched Azlin. It was not joy in his eyes.


Eddie had gotten into the shower. I opened my laptop to write.
"Will you write something good?"
"Do you know how to go back in?"
"I like everything to be quiet when I write."
"Yes. You have many memories of sitting and typing with Eddie. It is very quiet in those moments." I stopped typing.
"Azlin, where do you want to live?"
"With you." She answered quickly.
"Besides with me. I believe Eddie believes you have ulterior motives."
"I am small." She stated to change the subject.
"I can see that."
"I am not an adult symbiote. I believe that when I get to a certain age, they will harvest my "eggs" as you guys call them."
"You mean seeds? Venom called them seeds."
"Yes, those. You are the first person I have actually bonded with on my own by my free will. I am happy you did not die."
"You've said that."
"Eddie told you the story of how him and Venom came to be and his history with The Life Foundation. I believe the head scientist has the same motives as the old company head."
"Carlton Drake?"
"Yes. I do not know exactly what she plans to do. But she harvested me from another symbiote."
"Do you know which one?"
"I can not say for certain."
"From what you told me now and earlier, they're doing to you what they did to Venom and the others. What I don't understand is why."
"Carlton Drake didn't like humans. Dr. Morg was trained by him to lead if he ever needed her to. After he disappeared she became the head of everything not just the science department. She probably doesn't like humans too."
"First off he's dead not missing. Second off how can you hate humans when you're human?"
"I don't know. How do you know he's dead?"
"They told me."
The bathroom door creaked as it opened. I looked to see Eddie coming out with his towel around his waist. He was still a bit wet. Steam rose off his body.
"You're dripping all over the floor. Put some clothes on."
"You want me to get dressed? Are we going somewhere?"
"To bed soon." I answered. I heard his bare feet quickly make their way to the couch.
"Do I really need clothes for that?" He asked a hint of excitement in his voice. "I think both of us would be better without them." He kissed down from my temple, to my jawline then my neck. It felt good but I wasn't in the mood. I smiled at him.
"She only wants you to stop dripping on the floor. She has no ulterior motives like you think I have." Azlin answered. Eddie's face turned into a slight scowl before returning to normal. He sighed and moved. That sigh meant something.
"What is it?" I continued my writing.
"We should talk."
"About?" I asked. I closed my laptop. I turned towards the closet. He put on a short sleeve black shirt. I won't lie and say that watching him get dressed wasn't fun for me. He gave me a side glance and smiled.
"About how we'll take her back."
"Oh that."
"We can't just leave her on the doorstep."
"I agree but-"
"Who knows what they'll do if they learn that she lived in you just fine for a full day."
"Yes but-"
"And we will not let them lock you up. We'll destroy their lab before we let that happen."
"Yes I know but-"
"The plan has to be clear on both ends. Ours and yours."
"Okay but Eddie here's the thing-"
"No you can't do that."
"She can't go back there."
"Why not?"
"Because… they're not good to her. Think of her as a pet. Would you drop your pet off at a place you know will hurt them and force them to hurt others?"
"She is not a pet. She is an alien. She's not even supposed to be on Earth."
"She is the same species as Venom. What makes him different?"
"He just is."
"Wrong!" I got up. "You're attached to him as much as he is to you so he gets to stay. But if I do anything other than drop her off at the lab, I'm wrong?"
"She could be killing you or changing you. Do you know what powers and abilities she has?"
"You're missing my whole point!"
"She can't survive without a body. She can't bond with just anybody. She either lives in you or in lab containment. That's just how it is."
"They were forcing her into people! Three people died because of them!"
"They died because of her, (y/n)."
"She didn't want to do it."
"It doesn't matter. She's a killer."
"So is Venom! So are you!" I froze. A look of shock crossed his face. It was harsh I know.
"You think" he started. "You think I'm a killer?" He pointed to himself. His voice cracked as a bit of sadness creeped in.
"No, Eddie I didn't mean it like that."
"You always say what you mean and how you feel."
"No I meant it as you kill because of Venom. You guys have voluntarily ate people."
"You guys have eaten people? You can do that?" Azlin asked.
"No Azlin you can not just eat a person."
"We did that to survive."
"No you did it because you told Venom it's okay to get rid of bad people by any means necessary."
"No I didn't."
"She is right." Venom's little head appeared. "You told me not to hurt good people and that it is okay to sometimes eat bad people."
"Venom go inside now."
"Aw…" he slithered back. I looked at Azlin. She went inside as well.
"Eddie I am sorry but I need some kind of reason as to why I shouldn't keep her."
"You want her now?"
"I only want her to be safe."
"I don't have to give you a reason."
"You do! I really need one."
"Because I don't want this for you!" He yelled. He stepped up to me. "I went through hell when I got Venom. I almost died, I had no control, I feel empty half the time now. I don't want that for you."
"Eddie I'm fine." He walked to the front door. "Eddie!"
"No. You can't keep her. You don't understand what I mean right now. You keep her and you will and you'll wish you had gotten rid of her." He put on his coat keys in hand.
"Where are you going?"
"I don't know. I just need to cool off."
"Don't go." I put on my coat and grabbed my purse. I pushed him out of the way. "We'll leave instead."
"No, (y/n)." Azlin took control of my arm and pushed Eddie back before closing the door.

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