Chapter 6

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It is time. Said Azlin. My body trembled with fear. Eddie had called Dr. Morg and told her he had her experiment. She seemed to be over excited by the news that it was alive and in a person.
"You're not going to hurt (y/n). We're just going to drop it off and go." Eddie explained.
"Of course." Dr. Morg answered. She showed me into the room that held Azlin's container. Eddie tried to follow. She put her hand out. "You can not go in. Only her and the symbiote." I stepped up to the container and put my arm out. "Okay Azlin." For a second nothing happened. I closed my eyes.
Our time together was short but when we bonded emotionally and not just physically, I enjoyed it. When you let me eat without interruption, I enjoyed it. When you protected me I was happy. I will miss you so much.
I will miss you too (y/n).
It will always be 'we' even if we're not together.
Azlin slowly seeped out from my arm and into her container. I couldn't bring myself to close the lid. I turned towards Eddie and Dr. Morg. I felt empty. I walked to Eddie. Before I reached him the door closed. "huh?" I put my hands to the glass. "Eddie!"
"What are you doing?" Security grabbed Eddie before he could touch Dr. Morg.
"You think I'd miss the chance to keep a good Symbiote host? We used up 3 good bodies. But now we have the perfect match." She typed in a code on the keyboard outside the door. A hissing sound filled the room. "What is that?" I mumbled. I could smell something.
"Sleeping gas. It'll knock her out. Get rid of him and I do mean permanently."
"No!" I banged on the glass.
"Don't worry (y/n). I'll be back." Security drug him away. "We'll be back." He smiled.
"He's so confident as if he's not about to die." She smiled at me. My body began to feel heavy. Azlin. I tried to get to her container. I fell in front of it. I put my hand out. I couldn't reach her. "I can't wait to experiment on the both of you." I heard her footsteps retreat. I closed my eyes. I couldn't keep them open. "Az…lin." As I drifted off I felt something touch my hand. I couldn't open my eyes to see what it was.

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