Chapter 10

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"Good morning (y/n)." I sat up in bed. Eddie stirred a cup of coffee. "I'm still surprised by how loudly you snore."
I threw a pillow at him. Venom caught it. Eddie sipped his coffee with a smile. The pillow was placed on the edge of the bed.
"Food?" Azlin asked.
"Good morning to you too." I looked at the clock. It was after 11am. "Shouldn't you be out working right now?"
"No. Interview was cancelled. It's just you and me today."
"Oh great. I have to deal with you all day." I joked. He gasped.
"I'm hurt." I rolled my eyes. "Coffee?" He asked.
"No thank you."
"Yes please." He handed me a cup off the counter.
"I knew it. What else would you want but tea?"
"Food?" She asked again.
"Shush. Eddie, how long have you been up?"
"My usual. Couldn't sleep in at least not today."
"Did you try?"
"No. Wish you would have woken up with me. It was a beautiful sunrise today."
"You watched to sunrise? How sensitive of you."
"You joke but I mean it. I think it's because things have changed. It's a good change but it felt like a brand new day." He explained. I came over and wrapped my arm around his. It was a cloudless sky. The sun is bright and reflecting off the water. The city up and busy as usual.
"Food!" Her head bobbed up and down in front of my face.
"Azlin!" I yelled. Eddie chuckled. "You ruined a really peaceful moment."
"Azlin." Venom called her. "Sometimes you have to let them be alone."
"But we are hungry."
"Yes. They don't always listen."
"So we make them?"
"No! We talked about this last night." They moved behind us to talk.
"A change has occurred."
"You wanted this."
"I didn't say it was a bad one." He chuckled again.
"But we need food!" She shouted.
"You have to have patience. They become rebellious if you don't." Venom explained.
"So about that buffet." Eddie whispered.
"Yes. I'd love to go to the buffet with you." I sighed with a feeling of peace.
A change has occurred.


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