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Kami: "ok I have uno, goldfish, and charades."
Baku: _really what are we five?!"
Kami: "ok that was all a lie to get bakuboom boi mad. We are starting with T or D."
Mina: "I dare kami to give everyone his best pick up line starting with" shinshou.
Kami: "bet."
Kami to shin: "zippy zappy you are now my property." *Said with finger guns*
Kami to Kiri: "are you the sun because you're fucking blinding me with your beauty"*wink*
Kami to Mina: "did you escape from area or did I steal you"*wink*
Kami to Baku: "are you pomeranian because I want to own you" *wink*
Kami to Sero: "are you office supplies because I need you" *wink*
Baku: "I'm going to kill you Pikachu"
Kami: "Kiri hold him back"
Kiri: "nah fam"
Kami: "bro y not."
Kiri: " because i don't want to have to do that for the next few hours."
Sero: " fair point."
Kami: " whatever. Mina your turn Truth or Dare?"
Mina: "Dare."
Kami: "ok I dare you to tell your crush that you like them."
Sero: "Mina just do it"

Mina turned to her secret boyfriend blushing like crazy. She just screams "FINE YOU FUCKING JERKS!" Like damn girl go off.

Mina to Sero: "hey bro I like you."
Sero: "same dude. Like I love you."
Mina: "ok I'ma go yeet myself into the sun now. And I'm blaming Kami."
Kami: "hey...wait no that's fair. Never mind."
Sero: "don't yeet yourself into the sun I would be depressed if my girlfriend did that."
Mina: "Sero I told you I didn't want to tell them
Kiri: "I already knew. It was a bit obvious."
Kami: "oh same I knew since like 5 weeks ago"
Shinshou: "I figured that out my first day here."
Sero: "ok so who doesn't know?"
Kiri: "well you see the thing is..."
Baku: "him and Kami 'accidentally' told jiro who told Momo who told basically everyone else."
Kami: "it was an accident she forced it out of us."
Baku: "did she tho?"
Mina: "ya she would so do that. Like no joke."
At this everyone nodded expect bakugou.
Baku: "whatever. Who's turn is it"
Sero: "mine. Shinshou T or D?
Shin: "truth."
Sero: "what did you need from the mall?"
Shin: "I told you a gift for an old friend."
Kami: "you told me everyone at your old school was mean to you."
Shin: "ya but I had like one friend. Anyways Kiri truth or dare?
Kiri: "Dare. Because I'm manly"
Shin: "I dare you to kiss bakugou."
Kiri: "whatbzhjabfjsndnxjjd"
Baku: "just do it we're already dating."
Mina "WHAT?!"
Kiri: "aksnzhsnsjnJsksmxbfndmlzbdh"
Baku: "Yup since the sports festival."
Kiri: "stop talking bakugou. I swear say one more word about us and I'm breaking up with you."
Baku: "ok on with the dare."
They have a quick kiss that left them both blushing.
Kiri: ok umm Sero T or D?
Sero: "Dare I guess"
Kiri: "let Mina sit on your lap for the next 3 turns."
Sero: "ok"
Baku: "la~~~~m~~~e."

Pikacat text story ft. bakusquadWhere stories live. Discover now