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(talking out loud to each other)(make sense?)

Shinso- ok so you see. We were going to watch a bunch of Halloween movies and decorate the common room. If you want to help or just sit down and be surrounded by people that love you.
Kaminari- sure I'll stay if I can M&Ms
Shinso- do you have M&Ms?
Kaminari- idk. I have to check my hiding place.
Bakugou- why do you need a hiding place for candy
Kaminari- Mina, Momo, and the rest of the girls eat anything chocolate.
Mina- HEY...its not our fault.
Kaminari- I know but my candy is my candy.... AHA I found them.
Shinso- hehehe
Kaminari- Are you laughing at me?
Shinso- no...no I'm not baby.
Kaminari- whatever.
Sero- Kami can I ask one question about that day.
Kaminari- fine but why do guys keep calling it 'that day'?
Sero- idk it was that day. Always back to my question...I know bakugou got you mad but there's more to the story. Isn't there?
Kaminari- what the hell are you talking about the reason everything happened is because i can't handle emotions. And my brain went down a rabbit hole of bad thoughts.
Sero- what do mean 'bad thoughts' like sad things about yourself?
Kaminari- ya.... You guys said you were going to leave me alone about all the fucking bullshit that happened.

(Private chat with Mina and Kami)

Kami: I'm sorry I can't I need to cry just come with me to my room.
Mina: wait why?
Kami: why what?
Mina: why do i have to go to your room?
Kami: because the fucking doctor at the hospital said i have to have someone with me to make sure I don't use my quirk. But I really want to cry.
Mina: why?
Kami: because as usual Sero is right in front of the truth
Mina: ok let's go to your room

In his room
Ok so he's close to truth again meaning that there is more to the story.

Ya there's more to the story.
Ok so bakubro got you mad you started thinking badly about yourself...then what?
Well I was already crying a little but then my mom called I was balling by the end.

he burned everything in my room.
What the fuck why?
I don't know she's fucking mental. I'm just hoping she didn't burn a box I hide.
Why? What was in it?
Some stuff from my dad before he died. But it's not like I can get the box anyway.
Why not?
She kicked me out of the house when I came out as trans.
Oh my fucking god she's fucking mental.
I know.
When did you come out?
8th grade. So last year.
Where have you been living?
My aunt's house
Oh ok. Let's go hang out with our friends.
Wait there's a bit more....
I also may or may not have cut my wrist after breaking my bathroom mirror. Also I'm having really bad mood swings and cravings. So ya my last few weeks have been A FUCKING BLAST.
One let me see your arm. Two I'm here for you Kami. Now let's go hang with friends?
Ya now let's hang with friends. I'm probably going to cling to Shinso the whole time.

Pikacat text story ft. bakusquadWhere stories live. Discover now