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Kaminari POV
I woke in a hospital room. Fun. I look at my arms, there covered in bandages. I'ma just say I burned my arms crying. You heard me fucking CRYING. I'm in the hospital because I was FUCKING CRYING.

2 Weeks later (I'm lazy)

So the hospital said I can't use my quirk for a bit. I'm pissed. They also said that I need someone to watch me so that I don't use my quirk. Or something dumbass shit like that. Oh that also means I can't fucking cry and I'm literally about to explode.
Oh and the people who are watching over me are the bakusquad and shinso. So their just going to ask questions and that's going to make me cry and almost set the dormatory on fire.

In group chat (same-day)
Sleepless cat: hey Kami. Why were you so sad that day?

Alien Queen: ya you had everyone scared

Wannabe Spiderman:👆 facts Mina cried all night.

Shark boi: don't do that to me bro. You're my best friend and I thought I was about to lose you.

Bakuboom: I'm not soft but you had me scared too.

Pika pika: it doesn't matter I'm fine now I just want to be able to use my quirk rn and bakubro u are soft just stop trying to hide it

Bakuboom: 1. It does matter, we are your friends and want to help you 2. I am a bit soft but don't tell anyone outside this chat that I am or I'll break every bone in you 3. Why you want to use your quirk rn?

Pika pika: 1. Awww 2. Hah knew it and ok a little sister shook there 3. Because my quirk makes me braindead so it's like taking drugs to get your mind off of the pain.

Alien Queen: ummm that's not ok. Also come to the common room we have a surprise

Pika pika: no. Last you guys had me go down there it didn't end well

Wannabe Spiderman: this one probably won't either but please come.

Pika pika: wow that really convinced me to go.

Wannabe Spiderman: really?!

Pika pika: no you fucking idiot I was being sarcastic but fine I'll come down

Shark boi: yay

I get down stairs.... everything seemed safe. But I'm prepared to run if have to.
(Talking in real life) (does that make sense)
Mina- yay you came. Ok so we want to know what's going on but you clearly don't want is to know, so we won't bother you anymore. But we also have a plan that shinso is going to tell you.
Shinso- me I thought you were, Mina?!
Mina- ya but you're his boo so he won't attack you.
Kaminari: I will attack anyone who gets me mad. And Ive been getting mad easily.

I'm just say one thing it only gets sadder. I'm sorry. That's all for now this is Ella signing off.

Pikacat text story ft. bakusquadWhere stories live. Discover now