Chapter 17: Victor Sees the Light

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Victor decided midweek to ask questions from the being, Seraph.

He preferred denial, thinking he either dreamed, was crazy, or needed to rationalize current events. Seraph made its presence known Wednesday (several days before their family barbecue) when Victor honored his next appointment to meet with Mrs. Griffin and began addressing the being by name.

In his red Jeep, heading to the south part of town near Memorial Lake, and the terminally ill lady's house, he said the being's name out loud.

"Seraph," said Victor.


Victor repeated it.


The third time, he received a response.

"Victor," called the being. If it was Seraph, Victor had no way of knowing because he also had private conversations with dead Kai—the boy wouldn't move on.

Victor thought, what do I ask a being who isn't human, but somewhat human?

Victor, after all, had committed suicide.

Based on what he had learned in church, he should've either gone to heaven or hell. Unlike millions or billions, of other people, he didn't believe it, making his decision to off himself easier. He also knew, while excelling in science, he understood the law of conservation of energy, how it couldn't be created or destroyed, only changing form.

It crossed his mind while moving along in his Jeep that maybe the same laws applied to him—how he could exist in two places at one time.

"Maybe," he whispered out loud, "people and living things don't die, they just exist in new forms."

"Yes, yes, yes," spoke the being into his head, excited, hearing what Victor had thought. "This is the case with all things, Victor."

"But what about this new information from Fiona?" said Victor out loud. He almost laughed at the thought—to someone else, he would probably look like a crazy person talking to himself. "About me, and Willow, being able to open gates to other places? What's the meaning of that?"

"You are the light, Victor. By simply touching you, someone who is dying can gain awareness of the light, and move easily from their physical life to their next stage without fear, and regret."

The being had more to say.

"Victor, for all those who are chosen to live, you will help them travel to another, habitable world. Humanity will evolve. These are your gifts."

TMI, Victor thought, before being interrupted by Seraph.

"You did this when you chose to end your own life, Victor. You are an exception—you exist on both sides. Your ability to help people who are dying transition is a gift beyond any of us. Your gift to open gates—energy pathways between worlds—is the legacy you inherited from the combining of several species with your ancestors many millennia ago."

"So, there's such a thing as ET's after all," said Victor.

"Advanced races not of this planet, yes," said Seraph. "From whom humanity sprang."

Victor approached the intersection at the edge of Memorial Park and turned right, driving along its lakeshore. Mrs. Griffin's house stood a mile ahead. Along the lake, which was part of Memorial Park, many mothers with young children played in the sand. Through the fog (now an everyday occurrence), they splashed in the water's edge and made dirty sandcastles in the shape of buckets. Everyone looked happy, despite the strange things going on in the city, and it made Victor glad to witness it.

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