Chapter 37: Opening A Gate, or Three

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Victor quickly emerged at the foot of the high rock formations.

The chopping sounds of the approaching helicopters, together with roaring sounds on the main road, heightened his anxiety. Only two things ran through his mind: saving Shadow's group, and his new affection for Willow, who was not by his side, for whom he was frightened.

The sharp, dry fingers of the bushes had left thin, bloody scrapes on his cheeks. Fifteen feet overhead, three holes made their presence known when several doves, sensing his movement, poked their heads out. The birds sprang out into the air and fluttered away.

"This thing is practically vibrating," said Victor, placing his hands flat against the cold, sandy stone surface.

Immediately upon touching the rocks, Victor's vision faded. His sight went black, replaced by pure white. He felt connected to something. A sense of peace filled his mind—of being accepted, and not hindered by a physical body.

"This is it," whispered Victor. He knew he found the right spot, the Earth itself vibrated, shaking his bones so profoundly his teeth chattered. His forehead echoed the vibration of the rock. His scalp tingled, and his hair stood on end as though he had touched a Jacobs ladder.

A peculiar thing happened to the vegetation. Whether from the vibration or some other force, the high bushes shattered, dropping to the ground and covering the fresh fall snow in a litter of sticks and debris.

From above, a scattering of loose pebbles erupted from the rocky surface, driven by a downward torrent of wind, creating mini craters in the snow.

Victor withdrew from the rock face, his arms hanging at his sides. He felt pebbles hit his head from above. From behind him, on the hidden path where the group remained, various sounds of surprise escaped individual members: "Ouch, what was...", "out east, they're getting closer...", "is fog heading toward us, again?", "oh, where is he —"

Victor reached again and pressed his hands against the rock. He felt the rock's rough surface, it's bumps and ridges, and the hard, impenetrable strength it commanded. He pressed harder. His hands penetrated the rock's surface as if nothing were there.

"Oh," Victor moaned. He felt like he became part of everything around him: The Earth below, the air, the sky above, the weeds.

Further behind him, through the brush, a scream rose into the air.

"Look up there!"

"No, look over here."

"What do we do, what do we do —"

Shadow burst through the brush behind Victor, almost running into him.

"Victor, Victor," said Shadow. Her legs stopped moving, and her mouth dropped open.

Above Victor, the three holes in the rock face glowed, like a light had been turned on inside them.

Below, directly in front of Victor, the wall of the rock monolith itself took on a glittery, almost translucent hue. It grew brighter as Shadow watched, and split into three distinct, independent, undulating shapes.

More screams came from behind the two, piercing the early morning silence. They were no longer alone. Bright, probing lights lit up the top of the rock face as the band of helicopters made their way into the park, and toward the group, scanning the terrain.

"Victor, we need to get going," said Shadow. She knew what was happening. He opened the gate.

Victor stood in front of her, his hand plunged into the growing, golden light, and withdrew it at her command.

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