Chapter 25: Before the Event

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"Mom," said Willow, freshly out of the shower and toweling off her wet, black hair.

Ms. Ren Yamamoto prepared an early dinner before their evening at the Pinery. She was happy in her private world as a dedicated, single mother. A fluffy casserole with bacon graced hot plates on the country table.

"Mom, we only have an hour ... and the hairdryer's broken," said Willow, her voice echoing down the stairs to the dining room below.

"Let it dry naturally, the other's broken too," said her mother, too busy ensuring things were just right with the table.

They had unexpected company with Victor in the house. Willow's mother liked him; he made Willow happier than she had seen her in a long time, despite all the craziness interrupting their lives. After the tragedy the day before, Ms. Yamamoto decided they should have a good meal and pleasant company, before meeting her sister at the Pinery.

Willow groaned from upstairs, upset her hair wouldn't be just right. "I'll just brush it out," said Willow, banging around in the bathroom.

"You'll look great," said Victor's voice from the parlor just off the dining room. Victor had slept on the pullout sofa bed, happy he didn't have to go with his father the day before. Not one of them wanted to talk about what happened to Darius.

Victor's father had wanted him to come home, but Victor insisted on being present for Willow, and Josh, citing additional damage would be done to his mental state if he had to pass in front of the wrecked plane one more time. Mr. Black let him stay in town, with conditions: no going out after they got to Willow's house; no phone calls from reporters; and he had to check in on the landline if he encountered any new issues with his head. Victor agreed.

Willow came pounding down the stairs dressed, combing her straight hair violently. "This sucks mom. What if we're on television?"

"People will forgive you, honey," said her mom. "I think their attention will be on other things, your hair being the least of them. Plus, your Aunt Joselin is flying in. She does a good job stealing the spotlight."

"Thanks, mom." Willow was annoyed at her mother's lack of confidence in her

"Dinner's ready!"

Willow looked through the doorway into the parlor, checking on Victor. She had washed his clothes the night before. He looked fresh and calm, standing in the parlor. Victor smiled and walked into the dining room, ignoring the large casserole steaming in the center of the table.

"Let's eat, you all have to be famished," said Willow's mom. "There's nothing like a good meal."

Willow poked at her food. Victor merely stared at the food in front of him.

"Aren't you hungry?" said Ms. Yamamoto, observing Victor's peculiar avoidance of his food.

"I don't eat much anymore, ma'am," said Victor.

"But you need your strength. How are you supposed to train without eating?" said Ms. Yamamoto. "You can also call me Ren. I know the name's a bit long."

"He's doing just fine, mom," interrupted Willow, cutting off her mom's probing.

Victor smiled. "I'm sure it's wonderful. I can't eat when my head hurts. I'll be ok—Ren."

"Well, it can't go to waste, there's a long day ahead."

Ms. Yamamoto reached over and scooped half Victor's meal onto her plate. Willow laughed and did the same. Victor gave them a double thumbs-up, glad he didn't have to prove to anyone he could eat.

Willow's mom studied Victor's face as she munched on a piece of muffin. She diverted her gaze to Willow's and back to Victor's.

"I've never noticed this before, but you two have such flawless skin. It's so, pure looking."

"It could be the humid fall air," said Willow.

"No, it can't be. What products are you using, Victor?" said Ms. Yamamoto.

"Just water, and some soap in the shower," said Victor.

"I don't see a pore on you."

"Guess I do a good job."

"What's your excuse, Willow?" said her mom. "I don't see anything new in the bathroom."

Willow shook her head, raising her shoulders as if to say, "I don't know."

"Are you still growing?" said Willow's mom to Victor.

"Maybe—I am still only sixteen, so who knows."

Ms. Yamamoto paused and looked at the clock.

"We need to get going, finish up."

"Yup, we need to get going," said Victor.

Ms. Yamamoto shook her head in agreement, taking a moment to let Willow and Victor collect themselves before beginning cleanup.

The rest of the time went by in a blur. They each left the table, got their things and heading to the car.

Ms. Yamamoto followed.

∞ ∞ ∞

Ren Yamamoto put her Excursion in first gear, and sped forward, heading toward the afternoon's planned events.

The police were due to follow up on the protests, and the deaths in the park. The investigation would follow. The mayor was scheduled to speak about the state of the city, and emergency preparations for all future incidents affecting its half-million residents. Key members of the military and government—including Joselin Yamamoto—would be answering questions about space and weather-related phenomena, and similar happenings in other areas of the world.

"Are you ready for this?" whispered Willow in Victor's ear. They both sat in the back seat.

"My dad is coming," said Victor. "Who knows who else is showing up. And I'm feeling weird today. Just off."

"Me too," said Willow. "I've felt like a cold's been coming on for the last week, ever since I had George's coffee drink. I'm so down. Mom said I should talk to a therapist about yesterday."

"It was a horrible day, Willow. It seems things can't get worse, but you know they will."

"Maybe your witch, Fiona, has some answers," Willow whispered again.

"We'll go visit her this week. I also want to talk to you about some things, when we have some privacy."

"I hope Josh is doing ok," sighed Willow.

"I've never seen him that upset."

"We need to find Shadow too, don't we?" said Willow.

"She needs to be taken care of right away," said Victor. "I'm worried what those people are planning might happen sooner than we think. We need to help them. I can't believe she just left like that."

"It was her choice, Vic. She seems resourceful. She'll show up."

"I hope you're right."

Victor practically planted his face in the side of her neck, whispering, "I think Kane will be away for a while. Somehow, he's connected to whatever is going on with the clouds."

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