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I wake up in the cold. The floor, the air, my clothes, all of it. Sitting up, I realize why. Bars surround me on every side, a single light flickers above me making my eyes hurt from the strobe. I look down at the thin grey suit I've been put into, my feet still bare. My hand quickly rushes to my neck. I let out a sigh when my hand meets cold metal. My hand wraps around the pendant, rubbing my thumb on the face of the compass for comfort.

I stand up, my feet going numb from the cold. All the other cells around me contain one or two people. Everyone seems to be asleep, so I'm guessing the night has yet to leave us.

"How'd you do it?"

I follow the voice to the cell on my right. I almost jump when I see him looking at me from the corner I wasn't expecting anyone to be awake. I try to quickly make out his face, but it's impossible, for he's sitting in the only corner that light doesn't touch.

"Do what?" I ask, pacing the cell to try and keep my blood from freezing.

"Escape." He says. "It's impossible without a keycard, and they don't just hand those things out freely." He taps his hand on his knee as if needing something to do with his hands.

"I didn't escape." I tell him. "I was never even captured until now-- Who are you?"

"So you're not like us?" He gestures up and down the hallway lined with cells.

"No, and you didn't answer my question."

"And what was your question again sweetheart?" he asks, his eyes glinting playfully.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Charlie. Now your turn."

"My turn for what?"

"What's your name?"

"My name is Etta."

"Etta huh? Is that short for anything? Kinda sounds like nickname."

"It is a nickname, but for now that's all you can call me." I smirk internally, feeling very clever.

"Too shey." He says, standing up. As he does, his features suddenly become visible.

He looks to be a few years older than me, maybe eighteen. His face is chiseled as if sculpted over time. Atop his head are chocolate curls that lie in every which direction, one strand falling into his face making him seem that much more handsome. His sharp eyes match his hair, though they hide a little glint of green barely visible in this light. His overall good looking appearance only makes me think of Cedar. I bite my lip.

"What wrong sweetheart? Am I not what you expected?" He grips the bars with his dirty hands. It looks like he's been here a while.

"It's just... you remind me of someone." My hand once again wraps around my necklace. My eyes land on his hands "Hey Charlie?" He raises an eyebrow telling me he's listening.

"How long have you been here?"

He looks away from me, stepping away from the bars. "Too long." He says, staring at the ground. I bite my lip again.

"And um, have you seen anybody... new recently?"

"Yeah a few kids. They're always kids." He says, his eyes not leaving the ground. "What do they look like?" he asks, knowing what I'm asking for.

"There's one boy, he has blonde hair and glasses, his Keystone is a book--"

"What's a Keystone?" He asks, finally looking over at me.

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