Chapter 6

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Before I knew what was happening, Warren lunged at Kurt with all his force. He shoved Kurt against the wall and wrapped his hand around his neck.

"You!" he snarled at him.

"I-I-" Kurt stuttered, a terrified expression on his face.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Warren yelled furiously

"Warren, stop!" I shouted as I made my way towards them

"BACK OFF, CASSIDY!" Warren yelled as a warning, making me flinch and take a step back

Warren was definitely not a good person to be around when he was angry. Besides, I had no idea what either of them were really capable of, so I had to stop the situation from escalating any further...and fast.

Jean's voice then came through in my head, "Cassidy, what the heck is going on?"

"Warren and Kurt are fighting," I responded

"Oh God, I'll send Peter," She said sounding almost as worried as me.

Within a few seconds, I felt a gust of wind blow my hair. I looked to the side and saw Peter had arrived and held a worried expression on his face.

"What the-" His eyes widened in confusion

"There's no time to explain! Stop them, please!" I begged Peter

He just nodded his head and was suddenly between the two in a flash. Warren's fist was balled up as he was about to punch Kurt in the face when Peter grabbed his wrist. Warren struggled against Peter's grip and sent a glare towards him.

"Oi, get off me!" He hissed at him.

"No can do. Cassidy is over there scared out of her mind that you two are going to hurt each other, so man up and pull yourself together. This isn't an arena, if you want to stay here, you'll have to be civil" Peter said sternly while separating the two mutants

At the mention of my name, Warren turned to look back at me, his eyes softening. I gave him a soft smile, hoping that it would calm him down a bit.

"Can you please get him off me now?" Kurt said in his German accent

Warren's eyes hardened once again and he tore his gaze away from me. He aggressively shoved Peter away, but before he could do anything else, Kurt was gone in a puff of smoke. Peter hadn't seen the shove coming and was now slumped against the wall.

"Peter, are you OK?" I ran towards him and knelt down beside him.

"I would be if it weren't for Angel, over there," Peter said sarcastically as he gestured to Warren

"Grrrr Aaaaaaaah!" I heard a big thud and turned to see that Warren had punched a hole in the wall.

My eyes widened at the sight of his knuckles bleeding.

"I-I think I should calm Warren down. Will you be ok?" I asked Peter

"I've been through worse." He shrugged "Just be careful with him."

Peter then stood up and eyed Warren nervously on his way out.

I went to my room and swiped my ID card to open the door. I knew that Warren had been cage fighting for who knows how long but he couldn't behave like that again if he wanted to stay at the X-Mansion. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared that he would be staying with me. The last thing I wanted was for him to hurt me again. All I wanted to do was help him.

"C'mon," I said nodding my head towards the bedroom

He followed behind me, refusing to look me in the eyes.

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