"I haven't stopped smiling since the day I found out I was successful". "The biggest club in the world and they wanted me Manchester United.""Me and my sister forming a partnership at the back we could be the next Millie and Amy Turner I know I can't be cocky but I feel like I am counting down to the day me and my sister make our debuts for the first team I know we have to work hard but we both want it and we won't stop until we've got it." "How on earth have I got an interview for Oxford University? This stuff doesn't happen to people like us it only feels like yesterday I had to resit one of my exams at school now my life has changed well dramatically."!"Well under 16 trails this week if we pass that the next stage is that professional contract."It was a Friday morning and 14 year old twins Cody and Megan Moore were sat eating their breakfast before they set off for school. "It's unbelievable" said their mum Gillian "Manchester United and my two daughters could be playing for them." Cody and Megan had been on Manchester United's books since they were 9 years old. It had all arisen from a conversation they had had with their PE teacher who was that impressed with their talent she suggested they underwent a trail with a football club. They hadn't looked back since. They signed up for a trail with Manchester United's girl's regional talent squad and Manchester United had kept them since as they progressed through each age group. Now this was the big one they were about to go for trails to progress to the final youth team, the most talented footballers often were offered professional contracts if they successfully completed this stage. "Have you put that textbook down since you woke up?" Gillian quickly turned her attention to her oldest 17 year old Max. "They might ask me about stuff I've learnt" replied Max. "Max they're gonna love you" replied Gillian smiling "and if they don't it's their loss don't panic." "It only feels like yesterday I messed up my GCSE'S" said a worried Max "this doesn't feel real.""You didn't mess up your GCSE's" smiled Gillian "for god's sake you've got an offer at Oxford University and you're putting yourself down." Max was living the dream dubbed by his teachers the Maths machine he still couldn't believe it when people told him he was good enough for Oxford University. A Gold winner in the Maths challenge and A's across the board in Maths he decided to go for it and was stunned when Oxford came calling asking him to go for an interview. Despite his success he still couldn't accept it he was a shy quiet lad who kept his feet firmly on the ground, he didn't plan for things because he wasn't a confident person so he never got his hopes up. "How's Sam doing"? Asked Max changing the subject. "Yeah he's alright" insisted Gillian "he just got a bit upset yesterday you know what kids are like I'm gonna have a word with his teacher when I drop him off though just to be sure they look out for him today." Sam was the youngest of the children at 11 years old. Things were extremely tough for him at the moment as he was preparing to leave primary school. He had been extremely overwhelmed and his emotions were everywhere. Most of the kids at school were kind to him but of course you got the occasional idiot. Sam had been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the age of six so he found it difficult to communicate with his peers, something which sometimes the kids in his class didn't understand. "A few of the lads were winding him up yesterday about older kids running off with Year Seven's bags." "Well he worries about stuff like that.""They were only messing they didn't mean anything by it they were just joking about the older kids they might see at high school of course they won't behave like that the teachers at secondary school especially the one Sam is going to they always look out for the kids.""You know he doesn't take lightly to jokes" It was about an hour later and Gillian had gone to see Sam's teacher Miss Nickson. "I'll have a quiet word with the boys later" said Miss Nickson "I have told them not to wind Sam up they don't mean any harm they just have a bit of a joke with each other how is Sam doing"? "He seems to have calmed down" insisted Gillian "he was telling me all about the Woman's world cup yesterday he's buzzing with the Lionesses and he hasn't stopped talking about Cody and Megan's trails at man united.""We do need to talk more about the support plan Sam will be receiving once he goes to high school" said Miss Nickson "but I can honestly tell you he's made massive progress this year I think he will be fine.""Yeah well let's just hope things calm down a bit" insisted Gillian "it doesn't help him leaving but it is what it is what can you do Ay"? Gillians husband and father to her four kids had sadly left her just over a year ago shattering the family's worlds. They still seen their dad but the emotional impact him leaving had had on the family was huge particularly with the kids. It had affected Sam in a massive way however probably more than the other kids because he liked routine so seeing his dad no longer there at home had made him extremely distressed he couldn't get his head around it. "I am so proud of you how you have handled things lately" It was hours later and with the girls getting some practice in for their trails and Max revising Gillian had gone to see how Sam was doing. "Are Megan and Cody signing for the big team"? Asked Sam innocently. "Well that's the plan" smiled Gillian "just got to pass the test first and then we will be going to watch them and they will be making lots of money" there was silence. "I know you're worried about them not being here" said a caring Gillian "and you know Max may be going somewhere massive to learn but that won't change anything because I am going to be here for you." "Max you haven't said anything since you've come downstairs" It was about half an hour later and Gillian had noticed Max was looking particularly anxious. "I don't know I'm just tired" protested Max."I said this to the girls" said Gillian "and I'm gonna say it to you I don't want you getting stressed""Or being selfish" insisted Max. "What"? Insisted a confused Gillian. "I can't go to Oxford" insisted Max "it will break Sam's heart he's always had us I don't mean this in a bad way Cody and Megan are amazing with him but I've been there for him in a huge way, dad's not here so me going too It's not fair." "Max that is so sweet of you but you know the score" insisted Gillian "there's always been one of us or all of us here to look out for Sam I'm gonna be here for him you don't have to put your life on hold for him." "Yeah but why should he suffer"? Insisted a caring Max. "Luv he won't" replied a caring Gillian "he's going to secondary school in September he's got the full backing from his new school and me, the girls everything is gonna be fine.""Oi you both of you what's this doing in your planner homework detention"? It was about an hour later and Cody and Megan had not long returned home from football practice to an annoyed Gillian. "Didn't have time to do it" protested Megan. "Didn't have time to do it you've had near two weeks" said an angry Gillian "what did I say when you first got on the trailing system at man united?" There was silence. "That homework and schoolwork came first" replied Gillian breaking the silence "that is a condition of your current Man United duties that your school work doesn't suffer they could contact the school and have you removed from the team.""It won't come to that" insisted Cody "it was just a one off we didn't have time to do it we've been under pressure recently our coaches have had us on this routine marking from corners.""You had a detention for not doing homework not long before this one" replied Gillian "look I'm not arguing with you and I'm not being nasty but if Man United were to release you, you know that is a possibility no matter how good you are, you may not get the professional contract and you've messed up school what options have you got then"? "Mum you're not being fair" protested Megan getting angry "so you don't think we're good enough"? Well it's nice to know our mother's got faith in us.""For god's sake" shouted Gillian "this house, this family I can't have a conversation with any of you without their being a slanging match.""Well played Cody again that's what I like to see girls"! It was a couple of days later and the trails to get into the under 16's Man united girls regional talent squad were ongoing. The coaches had split the girls into two teams 11 a side and when Cody timed a sliding tackle perfectly getting the ball and breaking 20 metres downfield the coaches were on their feet singing their praises. After about 40 minutes they stopped for a break. "I think it's going ok" insisted Cody to Megan as they walked off the pitch. "I've made a couple of good clearances" said Megan "but I should have done better for their goal I lost Demi she was too quick for me I'm always on your team when they split us up I'm struggling without you today you're normally my partner at centre half.""They're testing us" said Cody "we are a centre half partnership so they're seeing how we react without each other in support.""Girls can I have a word"? Said one of the coaches Ryan coming over "won't' take long.""Anyway I won't be taking it further this time but I do have to warn you we do not take lightly to poor behaviour at this club" Megan and Cody were sat in Ryan's office in shock as Ryan explained he had been made aware of the girl's poor behaviour at school and he was warning them if this continued their place at Man United could come under threat. The sweat pumped from Megan's face. The game had not long kicked off again but now she was really struggling. Her side had gone 3-0 down and the super quick Demi Ashcroft had just completed her hat trick. Cody was an absolute rock at the back and was having a top game as the other side dominated. Megan hoped the coaches didn't see her nerve had gone. She was nervous before but the telling off from Ryan had made matters worse. As she dusted herself down when the match restarted after the third goal had gone in she jogged back into her position at centre half. The opposition started off where they left quickly moving the ball around. As the ball reached the winger a through ball over the top was instantly launched for Demi. Demi chested the ball down and charged at Megan. Without thinking Megan slid in with a horrific two footed challenge. As Demi collapsed onto the floor in agony the challenge not only angered the coaches but the whole team who rushed over angrily to confront Megan. "Alright break it up" ordered Ryan coming over "you out you're sent off.""But I went for the ball protested Megan "I didn't mean to get her.""It looks like you went for the ball" shouted Ryan "judging by the state of her you've been wound up by her all game just because she was getting on top you couldn't handle it" "Ankle ligaments that's gonna be a couple of months out.""I didn't mean to hurt her." "But it's still foul play the coaches might use it against you that you're an out of control player who doesn't know technique" It was a couple of hours later and after Cody's side had won 6-0 the two sisters were having a serious conversation about the events of the day. "You don't think that's it do you"? Asked a worried Megan. "If you want the truth sis I don't know" replied Cody "they're not gonna take us all and if you've had a bad performance that's what they're gonna be looking at but you're a decent consistent defender so hopefully they see that most of what you do is good" "Even the best players in the world have been sent off luv so I wouldn't beat myself up over it" an upset Megan was explaining the situation to Gillian. "I had a nightmare" said Megan "I had this girl running at me who was absolutely class I couldn't live with her.""Well Rio Ferdinand said that about Fernando Torres" said Gillian "you think how many times did Torres get the better of Rio? And Rio was a world class defender but on the day Fernando Torres was unplayable whenever he played against us nobody used it against Rio though." "They put Cody on the other team when they know the two of them work well together I think it's an outrage"!"Well there's nothing we can do it about now they're probably making up their minds as they speak."An annoyed Max who had heard what had happened was unimpressed as he walked into the living room. All of a sudden Megan's phone buzzed. A text message appeared on her screen "Come down to the training ground Friday 430pm squad announcement it said.""Friday 430 I find out" explained a distressed Megan."Oh my god that early" replied Cody "oh my god.""Don't know what you're worried about" insisted Megan "you're place is more a less confirmed.""It's not all about you" replied an angry Cody "why do you make everything about you? I play for the team but you never hear me moaning.""Girls" said Gillian "can we not? This is not helping anyone but I've just realised there's a problem"There was silence. Megan instantly latched on to Gillian. "You've gotta be kidding" she said. "I'm taking Max to Oxford" insisted Gillian. "But we could do with you support" insisted Cody."Girls I've always supported you I've been to pretty much every game" replied Gillian "but I've gotta drive Max down to Oxford and be with him this is his interview it's impossible to reschedule""So it's just gonna be us alone then when they break the news to us" snapped Megan. "Now you're being unreasonable" snapped Gillian "the training ground is within walking distance Oxford is five and a half hours away.""Oh well" moaned Megan. "Why don't you just shut up" shouted Max "I'm sick of it oh this is wrong this is wrong I'm not happy I've got an interview for the biggest opportunity of my life and do you hear me moaning? Yeah I'm worried about it but I don't sit there selfishly making everything about me." "You're the most selfish person this planet" argued Megan "you never do anything for me and you drink all the Coke.""Oh yeah and mum doesn't buy you crates of Lucozade because you're athletes who need energy drinks" replied Max sarcastically "all I hear mum have you got my Lucozade"? "Shut up the lot of you" screamed Gillian "its everyday why do I bother? I'm constantly bending over backwards for you lot and this is how you behave you should be ashamed of yourselves.""Mum" protested Cody. "No" shouted Gillian "arguing all the time you don't know how lucky you are I'm working two jobs keeping us afloat and yet you've got everything, none of you miss out and this is how you behave you've got no respect for me no respect for each other now if you don't shut up I'm done with the lot of you do I make myself clear"? "Yes" replied the children calming down. "Girls I feel awful I can't be there for one of the biggest days of your life but it is a one off" It was a couple of days later and as a dressed up Max was preparing to leave for his interview Gillian was doing her best to try and get the girls to understand. All of a sudden the phone rang. "Gotta leave in 10 minutes" said a panicked Gillian "I hope this isn't anything big.""Yeah it is me" said Gillian answering the phone "yeah I know they're gonna be there" There was silence. "Oh" continued Gillian "yeah that's fine nothing's up is it"? "What's up"? "It was Man United" replied Gillian "they don't want you in today they wanna see you tomorrow with me with you.""That's dodgy" replied Megan. "Or it could mean something good" said Gillian. "Well it must be serious" said Cody "so serious that they need a parent there.""I'm sure it's nothing" insisted Gillian. "You would say that" snapped Megan."Not this again" shouted Gillian "I've got four kids I do my best to be there for each one of you but right now I need to be somewhere.""Nice and relaxed luv you've got this just answer the questions and bring in your experiences like talk about the Maths society you're in at Six form." "It's not enough though is it"? It was about an hour and a half later and Gillian and Max were well on their way on the journey to Oxford. "What do you mean not enough"? Asked Gillian."Well there's thousands applying" said an anxious Max "they're gonna accept the top ones""Which is you" smiled Gillian. "I'm having second thoughts" admitted Max "maybe this is too much I need 3 A's in my exams I could be going too high, take this as my first choice if I get an offer and then not get the grades.""Son we all have second thoughts when we don't know what the future holds" said a caring Gillian "the future scares us so we try and put it off." "Yeah but this is Oxford" said Max "it's like nothing you will ever see again do I fit in"?"You've been watching Ackley Bridge too much" laughed Gillian "I know that girl in it was applying for Oxford hope you haven't been paying too much attention" Max didn't react. "Luv I am so proud of you" smiled Gillian "this is the start of the rest of your life today get past this stage and the world is your oyster you work so hard you're on track to get those grades.""How can you be so calm"?"Because it is what it is, no Love Island pun intended" Meanwhile a stressed out Megan couldn't believe how calm her sister was being. "They've got it written down in their little notepad" said a worried Megan "the minute I made that tackle they were like that's it. " "Not exactly" said Cody there was silence. "Alright I am bricking it" admitted Cody "I just don't like saying it won't help anyone have you done that English homework? It's due on Monday and you know what it's like we can't fall behind.""Yeah replied Megan "I like school, I work hard I don't like it when mum makes out we put football over school work we don't I stay back most nights and do school work.""You are looking at an Oxford University student"! "Oh my god oh wow" It was around 1230am and an overjoyed Gillian and Max had returned home to deliver the incredible news Max had been successful at his interview and had been offered a place at Oxford University conditional on his exam results. "Come here you I love you so proud of you" said Megan hugging Max. Things were everywhere but they were siblings and yeah they did argue but what they had was true love "Right then I wanna hear all about it" said Cody "sit down.""He was full of it" smiled Gillian "talked about the subject in great depth answered the questions solved the equations.""Now just need to get 3 As" said Max playing it down. "Ignore him" laughed Gillian "can't celebrate always looking for a negative" there was silence. "You alright luv"? Asked Gillian turning to Megan. "Yeah" said a hesitant Megan. "Go to bed though" replied Gillian. "But you've not long got back" protested Megan "it's been a big day.""I know but watch my words here we have to be at Man United tomorrow" replied Gillian "for a chat let's not speculate or make out its anything else." "Sit down girl's thanks for coming in" It was the next day and Gillian had accompanied her extremely nervous daughters to the meeting at Man United.

Important to me
Teen FictionOn the brink of the first team at Manchester United 14 year old twins Cody and Megan Moore are dreaming of stardom. Meanwhile their 17 year old brother Max is hoping of going to Oxford University and their 11 year old youngest brother Sam is about t...