Chapter 3: the nightmare on the night on a few days before halloween.

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It was a stormy night and Petey was working on his costume and the wind whistled loudly.
In Chiefs house, he was terrified! And in Dog mans house. The trio was feeling the same way as chief.
" It's ok.. It's just a storm.."
Chief said nervously.
BANG! Lightning crashed.
Chief yelled.
He ran to Dog mans kennel and closed the door when he got inside the kennel.
Dog man, Lil Petey and 80HD hid under the covers of their bed.
Then they heard the door shut.
" Who's there?"
Lil Petey asked nervously.
" it's me chief!"
Chief replied.
" H-Hi Chief!"
Lil Petey greeted.
" Quick! Hide with us!"
And he did.
Petey worked on his costume when suddenly The power in his lab suddenly went off.
The lightning hit the power.
" Darn it! Another fuse!"
Petey said angrily and scared at the same time.
" I can't work on my costume like this!"
Then a mysterious mist with a hidden evil face suddenly whooshed in his lab and grabbed Petey and his costume.
" Hey! What's going on?!"
He protested as he and his costume was carried.
" Someone help meeee..."
Back at the kennel, the four heard Petey's cries for help. So did Zuzu and Sarah.
" Don't worry Petey! We're coming!
Sarah called out as the gang ran for Petey.
The a song suddenly played.
🎵 Come along.. Come along... And you will see...🎵
They chanted.
🎵 You have just arrived tonight..🎵
🎵Come along.. Come along..🎵
🎵 A nightmare for you and your pals!🎵
🎵 Come along.. Come along..🎵
🎵 All the sounds that you may hear..🎵
🎵 Come along.. Come along..🎵
🎵 May be the start of your fear...🎵
A drum suddenly played.

🎵 Come along! Come along! And you will see

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🎵 Come along! Come along! And you will see... Come along! Come along! And you will see!!🎵
The song ended.
" Nooooooo.."
Petey said as the mist took him into a dark lair.
Everyone shouted.
As Petey was taken into the dark liar. A few zapping sounds were heard. Then a growl..
This meant Petey was turned into.. The werecat..
" Poor Papa.."
Lil Petey said.
The gang walked off slowly and back into their houses.
But they all heard a howl from the werecat.
It howled.
The dark mist said.
" Tomorrow  night is part 2 of the plan..."

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