Chapter 6: The cathunt.

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In Dark Mist's lair...
" Right everyone! Tonight we may attack and scare people!"
Dark mist said.
The decorations cried.
The werecat howled.
" Hold on..what's this?"
Dark mist said.
He looked into his random camera and saw our heroes.
" Hmmm...."
Dark Mist said and he listened to it.
" Now we need to find the werecat!"
Lil Petey's voice said on the camera.
Dark Mist declared.
" Werecat.. FIND THEM!"
The werecat nodded and went out to find them.
The gang was out to catch the werecat until they heard some crawling.
" Do you hear that?"
Chief asked.
Dog Man nodded.
Then they saw something whizz past them.
" What was that?"
Sarah said
Zuzu whined nervously.
" I think I know what it is.."
Lil Petey said.
" It's.."
Everyone yelled.
And they where correct. Out of the bushes jumped out was the dreaded WERECAT!
" Help!'
Everyone cried.
" Don't back down!"
Chief told everyone.
" Use the antidote!"
Dog Man tried spraying it at the werecat but the werecat dodged.
" It's not working!"
Sarah said.
" Time for the supa buddies to save the day!"
Lil Petey said
" Supa Buddies, Attack!"
Lil Petey commanded.
But however, the Werecat fought back.
It Bit and it scratched and it pounced.
But our heroes managed to dodge the attacks.
But did they won? WRONG! Despite the foul beast being a Werecat It wasn't stupid.
The Werecat knocked them out and took them to the lair!
Back at the lair...
There was a knock on the lairs door.
" I'll get it!"
Dark Mist said.
He opened the door and saw the Werecat carrying the out cold heroes.
" Why thank you!"
Dark Mist said and he gave the Werecat some fish.
The Werecat licked his lips and ate the fish.
" Now to do one last thing.."
The Dark Mist said, eyeing Dog man and his friends.

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