Chapter 5: " ITS CANCELED?!"

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                                                                       October 30th- Day of the spookfest!
The manager skipped around happily in the autumn morning.
🎵 spookfest, spookfest! Way more better then wearing a vest! It's scary and maybe not so hairy!! Spookfest! Yeah!🎵
The manager hummed happily.
" ok time to get this party star- AAAGH!"
The manager cried.
He sobbed.
The other workers rushed to see what has happened and all the manager and the workers could see was a empty field.
" I- I don't understand! How did this happen?"
One of the workers said.
" We might have to break the news to the children."
Another one said.
" I don't think I'm ready to break the news."
The manager whimpered.
The gang found the perfect place for the antidote.
The super science centre over there.
"Ok super buddies!"
Lil Petey announced.
" We may find the antidote!"
" Huzzah!"
Everyone cheered.
So the gang entered the lab.
Said the male scientist.
" How may I help you?"
" We're looking for antidote for the werecat!"
Chief said.
" Hmm.. We don't have an antidote for this " werecat." But we do have an antidote for any monster!"
The female scientist said.
" How fortunate.🙄"
Sarah said, rolling her eyes.
The gang followed the two scientists into a cold metal room with a giant vat.
" here is the antidote!"
The male scientist said.
They all looked down in the vat
It was a glowing green gooey bubbly looking water.

They all looked down in the vatIt was a glowing green gooey bubbly looking water

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" Here, have this spray!"
The female scientist said.
Dog man got the spray then he filled the antidote in.
" Thanks!"
Sarah thanked.
" your welcome!"
The male scientist said.
" Now to save my papa!"
Lil Petey declared.
Back in the fields...
Everyone arrived for the spookfest
The spookfest was under a white curtain.
The managers heart beated.
" It's time.."
He said anxiously.
The manager went out of the curtains and got ready.
" Everyone I have an annoucment"
He said to the crowd.
The crowd murmured in confusion.
" This years spookfest may be cancelled I'm afraid..."
Everyone gasped.
A kid said.
" Woo mean.. There will be nwo spwookfest this year?"
A toddler asked.
" I'm sorry but this thing just happened all of the stuff was take-"
The manager was too late to explain. Everyone left.
" Happy Halloween Jerk."
A man said.
The manager and his workers look at each other and sighed sadly.
" Welp this is it..."
The manager said and he walked off home sadly..

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