"The Fortune Teller"

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When I was a kid, about 8 yrs old, I had a really vivid dream. ( I've been a vivid dreamer all my life) I was walking with my mother in the courtyard of this church. I remember thinking this church was not like any other church I've been to before. It had a dark and eerie vibe.

We walked down a corridor and went to the center most room facing the courtyard. There were those beads hanging in the doorway that has never made any sense to me. When we walked in there was this old fortune teller lady with a crystal ball and bright white eyes with no pupils. Her fingers were long, skinny and wrinkled and her fingernails were sharp. She pointed one of her fingers toward me and opened her mouth wide as to let out a blood curdling scream, but everything was silent.

Later that year Halloween came, as it does every year. My family always loved going to haunted houses that people in the neighborhood put together. This year, one was called "Hell House" and was ironically held at a church. The overall theme was do good things and you'll go to heaven, do bad things and you'll go to hell. Typical stuff for a church.

After going through "Hell House" we walked out the exit finding ourselves in the court yard. Through all the hectic jump scares and people screaming, my mother and I found ourselves in the courtyard of the church waiting on the rest of the family to make their way through....the situation seemed oddly familiar....

After waiting some time, my mother suggested moving on and meeting up later. My dad was still inside with my sister and her friends. As we were walking, I noticed it was the same exact church from my dream.

We walked down the same exact corridor and reached the center most room. My heart was pounding out of my chest and my mother thought nothing of it because we were supposed to be scared at a haunted house. The sign read over the door "What's your Fortune?" My mother reaches for the beads to head inside and I grabbed her arm and told her we shouldn't go in there. She said "Don't be silly, it's not real" and started inside however, I did not follow her.

She stopped in the door way and noticed I was frozen with fear and would not move. She insisted no further realizing the fear was real and soon, the rest of my family showed up and we left.

I have no idea to this day what or who was behind that door and I don't want to know. This was one of many times I've had a dream that soon came to fruition.

Posted by u/Gambino133

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