Falling for Julia?

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3rd person POV
Cat looks away from Julia and looks at Meghan. Julia stops blushing as Cat grabs Meghan and kisses her.
Joey blushes and bites his lip.
Isy smirks "Knew it" She whispers to Julia
Julia nods as Cat pulls away from Meghan and blushes "There, Joey truth or dare?" Cat asks Joey
"Dare" Joey smirks
"Okay.. Open dare" Cat shrugs.
Joey covers his ears and waits.
"Dare him to make out with someone" Isy suggests
"Whys it always kissing?" Meghan asks
"Well, you think of a dare" Shane looks at Meghan
"Nah, im good" Meghan shakes her head
Everyone laughs.
Shane pokes Joey, he uncovers his ears.
"You have to make out with someone" Shane smirks
"Okay.." Joey blushes
Everyone stares at Joey, nervous of who he's going to pick.
"Ill randomly pick" He gets up, puts a bottle on the floor and spins it
"Wait, instead of truth or dare we should play spin the bottle" Shane smirks
"Yeah!" Cat agrees
Everyone else nods.
The bottle spins around and slows down, passes Julia and stops, pointing at David.
Everyone goes silent and awkwardly looks at David.
Joey looks at David and grabs him, pulling him closer so he could kiss him.
Julia blushes, and starts thinking of ship names for them.
doey? Nahh.. Joevid? Nope.. Joeviideo? Yes! Joeviideo it is.
// I ship JoeViideo btw xD //
Julia's POV
Joey kisses David and starts making out with him.
David blushes and starts kissing deeper, the way his eyes glow, the way he holds Joey..
Does David like Joey?!
My eyes widen and I start thinking out loud "Maybe my dream will never come true after all.. Maybe my only love will never notice me.."
Everyone stops and stares at me, David stops kissing Joey and realizes that I was talking about him.
"Oh shoot.." I accidentally thought out loud, I'm so stupid, I hate how I do that when I'm nervous or scared.
"J-julia.." David looks at me with a I'm-so-sorry face.
I just wanna storm out of this room, hide in a hole and be away from everyone, but if I do leave, Everyone would follow and not let me be alone. So I just sit there, starring at the ground like an idiot.
"Sorry.. I was just.. Rethinking my favorite line from a fanfic I read, it didn't mean anything.." I pretend to laugh and smile
They all nod and laugh.
Davids POV
Im so stupid for thinking that Julia liked me back..
Yes I'm straight, straight for Julia.. I used to think girls were disgusting, until I meet her.. She made me fall in love with her. I know it would be creepy if a 22 year old boy dates a 15 year old girl but.. noting will change the way I think of her.
Maybe she thinks I like Joey? I only kissed him, from a dare, it meant nothing to me.
Julia's POV
I know David likes Joey.. The look he gave me said everything.
"Should we continue playing?" Meghan mainly asks David.
"Nah, im tired.." Cat shakes her head
"We should watch anime!" Joey does a nerdy grin
"Yeah!" Meghan grins
"Mehh.." Shane and Cat shake there heads
I nod, trying to act like my whole life just crumbled down and splattered into a million pieces.
"Sure" David fake smiles
"Attack on titan?" Meghan asks
"Oh i love that show!" Isy grins
"Oh heck yah!" Joey says in a deep voice.
"Mehh.." Shane says again
"cmon, one episode?" Joey looks at Shane
"Fine.." He shrugs"
"Are you gonna join us Julia?" Meghan looks at me and softly smiles.
"Nah, I think ill just go to bed.." I look down at the floor
"Me too.." David says
"Awe, okay" Meghan looks at david
I stand up "Where could I sleep?" I ask
"You could sleep in Davids room, its pretty conferrable" Cat smiles
I look at David checking it its okay, he gives me the thumbs up.
"Okay" I nod and head towards Davids room.
"You could sleep on the bed, ill sleep on the floor" David says while walking behind me.
I nod and frown, hoping he'll change his mind and sleep with me.
We get to his room, I go to his bed and lay down.
"Theres enough room for the two of us you know.." I mumble
David blushes and looks at me, a bit surprised.
"Okay.. Ill sleep on the bed" David goes to the other side and lays down, trying to go as far away from me as he can.
David turns around and looks at me, I look at him.
We both start blushing.
"G-good night" David mumbles
"Good night.." I mumble back
David leans forward and kisses my cheek.
I close my eyes and try not to fangirl.
*1 hour later*
Joeys POV
Shane looks at me, his eyes glowing with excitement.
"So.. What did you think?" I ask Shane.
We just finished two episodes of Attack on Titan.
"I.. FUCKING LOVED IT" He looks at me and grins
I smirk and nod "Cat?" I look at her
"Loved it" She smiles and gives me the thumbs up.
I smile and nod.
"Another episode?" I look at Isy
"Yah, i seen this already but i don't mind re-watching it" Isy smiles
Meghan plays another episode.
I cuddle Meghan and smile.
Shane watches it, really interested.
Someone dies (not gonna spoil it) and everyone gets teary eyed, except Shane, he's yelling at the screen, angry that they killed his favorite character.
Author note: The end of another chapter!
Davids straight.. Surprise surprise! Were you shocked?
What do you want them to do next? Im running out of ideas xD
Should I do another time skip and go to when the baby is born?
Thanks for reading ^-^
Twitter/instagram: dayviiideo

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