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Chapter 40
Julia's POV
I hold Meghan's baby in my arms and carefully rock him back and forth as David makes some baby food.
I sit on the couch at Shane and Davids place (Meghan, David and Joeys old house)
"I cant believe Meghan let me take care of him.." I softly smile and look down at him
David smiles and walks up to me with mashed carrots in a bowl.
I lightly frown, remembering how David treated me the last time I was with him.
David also frowns and realizes what I'm thinking about
"Julia.." He sits beside me
I look away as tears form in my eyes.
"Im.. Sorry I did bad things to you, I'm sorry I treated you horribly.. I was drunk" He lightly puts his hand on mine
"David.. Im trying to forgive you.. But its really hard, I still.. Cant trust you.. Im sorry" I look at him start to cry
Gray looks up at me with concern in his eyes.
I look down at him and wipe my eyes "Its okay Gray... Don't worry" I smile and hug the baby
"Julia... How can I get you to trust me again? Ill do anything." His voice starts to get crackly
I lightly sigh "I-i don't know.."
"Well.. Could we please be friends again?" He says with little hope in his Voice
I hesitate before looking David in the eye "Yes.."
With that one word Davids face lights up as he grins and hugs me "Thank you, thank you, thank you"
I nod then take the bowl of carrots out of Davids hands and feed it too Gray.
the baby starts to cry and spit out the carrots.
"I think its thirsty.." I frown and look at David.
He gets up and heads to the kitchen, grabbing a small cup and filling it with water.
"You idiot.. He cant drink water yet! He needs milk.. From Meghan"
"O-oh..." He lightly blushes and puts the cup down.
Shane's POV
I sit and wait at McDonald's, slowly eating my burger.
I check my watch and sigh.
Its been 2 hours already.. Maybe he isn't coming.
Just then, I get a text from Joey, I quickly turn my phone on and check what he said
Joey: Hey Shane! Wanna meet up? I want to tell you something.. 🙈
What the fuck?!
Me: Umm.. Im at McDonalds, i thought you were already coming her too meet me😳
Joey: Huh? Oh.. Well I'm on my way to McDonald's then 😁
Me: Okay... 😶
Joey: Okay? 😇
Me: Okay 😎
I turn my phone off and quickly go order some chicken nuggets for Joey.
Joeys POV
"Ill be back later Meghan.. Im gonna go meet Shane at McDonalds" I yell from the washroom and put my jeans on and dry my hair, still wet from the shower.
"What?!" She nervously answers
"Yeah, he told me he wants to meet up" I zip up the zipper on my jeans and walk out of the washroom.
"O-oh.." She looks a little more relaxed.
I smile and pick up my phone again, putting it in my pocket.
I grab my shirt and put it on.
"See you later" I wave to her and put my jacket on, over my blue shirt.
"Bye.." She lightly smiles.
I walk out the door and start running down the stairs, anxious to meet Shane.
Davids POV
"What are we gonna do then?" I nervously walk back and forth
"I think Meghan left a bottle in a fridge for him.." Julia also looks really nervous
"Cant you just give him milk? Like.. From you?" I ask her
She looks at me like I'm an idiot "You have no idea how pregnancy works do you?"
"W-well I'm gay! I don't study woman" I start to argue with her
"Even gay guys know the basics of woman!" She starts talking in an angry tone
"Well, I thought baby's drink water when their first born! How do they survive without drinking water? And how do women even get milk in their boobs?" I yell, not caring how much I sound like a pervert
"DAVID" She yells "I seriously don't want to deal with your pervertedness right now, And I don't want to teach you all the steps of how baby's are made"
"Okay, okay Nevermind! Just forget I asked" I shake my head and walk back to the kitchen
"Idiot.." She mumbles and lightly blushes.
I look in the fridge and luckily find the baby bottle "Found it!"
I walk back to her and give Gray the bottle, he sucks on it and closes his eyes, relaxing.
I softly smile "He so cute.."
"I know.." Julia looks down at him
I start blushing and look at how cute She looks.
Shane's POV
Joey walks in McDonalds and spots me right away, he grins and walks to me and sits down.
"Hey" I smile
"Ello" He looks at the chicken and grins "Thanks for getting me food"
"No problem" I lightly blush
He starts blushing.
"So.. Why did you want to meet up?" I awkwardly eat my Double big mac.
"I wanted to tell you something.. That I never got the chance to tell you.." He starts blushing dark red.
"What is it..?" I look into his eyes and hope he well confess his love to my me
Authors Note:
Well my birthday is on Dec, 2 !
I am very happy and excited.
Btw, I made a new Fanfic!
Its called: Ianthony~ Awkward
It would be really awesome if you go and read it!
Heres a sneak peek:
Ian's POV
I pretend to text someone and act like I'm busy by typing random things in my notes.
Melanie peaks at my phone and reads what I typed out lout
"Stupid poop banana lala shoe da fa lucky doo doo?"
Anthony snorts "Who you texting?"
"I-I'm practicing to type faster, okay" I quickly put my phone away and blush
"Okay.." Melanie softly laughs and pats my back "Its okay, I still love you"
Yeah.. The book is pretty much awkward and romantic at the same time.
I hope you all like this chapter!
If so, please vote and leave a comment.
Love you all, thanks for readings my booksys.
Twitter/Instagram: Dayviiideo

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