we can be golden why don't we show them by Hato96

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This book is by Hato96


"Your eyes..I remember those amber eyes. Those same yellow-orange orbs that gazed at me before. You're the one who saved me."

Chapter 1


He shouted at the top of his lungs. The air hitting his face was definitely cold yet the sweat kept dripping from the sides of his face and his legs were starting to burn, painfully. It all happened so fast that he didn't realize he was currently running in the middle of the white forest. The sound of crunching snow and broken branches from their snow boots were getting closer making his heart beat wildly in his chest. That was until a huge boulder came into view and he gave everything he's got left of him to reach there in time. He was panting, puffing out clouds of air into the wind. He was in great need to gain his regular breathing back. The rosy shade from his nose and cheeks were getting darker from the freezing climate considering he only has a windbreaker and a pair of long pants to keep him warm. Not to mention, his auburn hair was littered with melting snowflakes. Hiding behind the large rock covered in a thick blanket of snow, he carefully peeks from behind, making sure they were gone. One can dream though.

"Come out little one, we know you're hiding.", he spoke in a very honeyed voice, tinged with poison. His shoulders were wide and he has a large built. Long black locks were tied up in a high bun followed by a thick patch of goatee and moustache. Snow was already started clumping around his hair and furry hoodie. He scans the area of the forest, in an attempt to locate the 'fresh meat'.

Another male entered his line of vision, this time he was much more shorter than the first one but his muscles were noticeable even from the thick layers of jacket he was wearing. His face was facial-free and his head was covered with a red snow cap. "Yeah, we just wanted to have some fun. Come on.", he cooed. Apparently, seeing the shorter playing with a combat knife in his hands, twirling it skillfully between his fingers made him feel like his life span had reduced to 10 years.

Looking away so fast never made his heart jumped before, he was scared shitless when he thought the taller caught a glimpse of him. "Shit. Okay, calm down Jimin. Just stay quiet. They wont find you unless you make noises. Okay. Okay.", he whispered to himself. Trying to stay calm as possible even though he can hear his voice came out a whimper. Every time he inhaled, it felt like his lungs were collapsing, as if the air he breaths never reaches them. He was struggling. He was trembling. He was scared.

Jimin slides down gently against the freezing boulder, stopping every time he hears the snow falling with a light thump. He tried sliding down again, but his bare and numb hand instantly flew to cover his quivering mouth, desperately trying to muffle the sounds of his gasp when a large amount of snow fell, hitting the snowy ground with a loud and very clear thud. The dead ambience just made everything tense tenfold as his eyes looks at every direction, praying for a possible escape route. None exists. A lone tear escaped from the corner of his eye, telling himself its going to be the end.

Closing his eyes, he begs silently for them to end his life swiftly and painless. Step after step could be heard getting closer, this is it. I'm going to die in the middle of nowhere. Well, on the bright side, no one wanted me anyways, he decided. Jimin felt like his heart just disintegrates when the footsteps suddenly came to an abrupt halt and what's more terrifying was he could feel puffs of hot breath fanning over his nose. Cracking an eye open slowly, he lets a sharp intake of air jolting his body upwards making his back pressed up even more over the cold rock. He was met with a pair of almond shaped and slightly obliquely amber eyes, burned with a fierce fire within. It gazed at him, looking right into his face and Jimin doesn't have a clue on why was he gazing back. Its nonsense! Its stance showed dominance and confidence yet those yellow-orange orbs held no hatred, no malice, no fear but rather curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat, but how about a wolf?

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