Your Hands In Mine (I'll hold you tight) by hato96

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This book is by Bakadesu


In all honesty, Jungkook didnt want to let his hyung sit in the aisle seat, but it was just a pathetic excuse so he could hold onto Jimins hand. He didnt want to admit it because its cheesy and stupid, but Jimins hands gave a sense of warmth and reassurance to him. Small, stubby fingers with delicate nails, a little rough on the back and edges with some veins popping out, but soft and smooth palms. Jungkook thinks Jimins hands are the epitome of gentleness with the equivalent of power, and it just sends this giddy and thrilling feeling whenever his palm feels the warmth radiating from the other.



"You can let go now.."



"Cause the station is crowded and you might get lost."

Jimin glared at the boy who was towering beside him, but he still let Jungkook hold his hand.

They were on their way back to Busan for Chuseok. And boy, were they excited to finally head back to their hometown. When Bang PD said the boy were allowed to return to their loved ones, Jimin and Jungkook decided it was best they took a train rather than an aeroplane. A plane seemed faster, but Jimin had complained at how he missed the road back home. Being the good dongsaeng Jungkook is, he thought why not?

And so here they are, trying to find their gate because Jungkook insisted to their manager that they didn't need help getting home, being convinced they knew the route all too well. But..not having to go to the train station for nearly a year or so kind of short circuited Jungkook's brain.

"We're lost, aren't we?" Jimin guessed while he was trying to get on his toes (he didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't see anything, not when a sea of people was in front of them) and searches for 'Gate 10'. To his despair, he found nothing.

Jungkook tightened his hold on Jimin's hand while his other hand was punching the buttons of his phone in a blur. Jimin presumed that his dongsaeng was trying to map the station out with some help from Google. "No we're not."

Jimin sighed exasperatedly.

"You know, searching on Google here won't help much considering the information counter is that way." Jimin threw his thumb over his shoulder, showing Jungkook where two workers sat quite leisurely at a booth decorated with big, bold letters stating "Information Counter."

Jungkook shushed the older and continued on searching. Seoul Station was enormous. Having a daily average of 100,000 passengers going in and out of the train complex, it was no wonder they got lost so easily. And Jimin knew that Jungkook has a terrible, terrible way with directions. "I'm just gonna go to the information counter," Jimin finally decided, bu he didn't notice that Jungkook wasn't even listening to him.

Too busy with his nose burried in his phone, Jungkook didn't realize that the familiar warmth in his left hand had suddenly turned cold. It was when he had to scratch his nose with his free hand that his brain finally comprehend that Jimin was already gone. "Hyung?" he turned around. All he saw was a bunch of people and no sign of a blond-haired boy with a brown coat and red, cotton scarf anywhere. He was starting to panic. "Jimin hyung?" he tried raising his voice a little, hoping that the smaller male could hear him.

His heartbeat was picking up pace, and he was starting to sweat. Shit, i'm so dead! He was scrambling, shoving his phone and earphones in his back pocket and jogs a little further from his current spot. "Hyung!" he shouted this time, desperate to find his hyung. "Jimin hyung!" When he was getting farther and there was still no sign of Jimin hyung, he turned back fast on his heels and only to bump into someone, which made him stumble a bit.

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