A New Way

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Sorry for the absence of updates! I really needed some time to check my stories and I went through some stuff on Discord so here's a chapter!

Also, little side note/warning. Don't try anything in this chapter because it's probably against the law.

Luke picked up the broken drive off of the ground. The drive had split in half, and there was no way to fix it.

He slowly turned towards the Squad and sighed heavily.

"There.", said Luke. "Now no one gets to see it.".

Luke put the remainings of the drive in his back pocket.

"We are so sorry.", signed Rosanna, then crossing her arms.

Luke signed "Me too" and walked away with his hands in his pockets.

"I think everyone is at fault here.", said Jonathan. "Maybe we can buy him a new drive.", suggested Jordan. "I think I saw some good ones in stock at the Dollar Store.".

"It's the dollar store.", commented Ashton. "How good can they be?".

"I saw Luke save whatever that was on that drive onto his computer.", said Millie. "We could buy a new drive, NOT from the dollar store, and put the file on there all while getting a peek at what Luke can't show us for some reason. See, it's a win-win!".

"Are you saying that we sneak out, sneak back in, sneak into a Head Supervisor only room, sneak onto his computer, sneak into his files, get the drive, then sneak back out and watch the entire file before we sneak it back to Luke?", asked Willie.

"You know, there was a much less confusing way to say that.", said Chanel.

"Maybe there was a reason Luke didn't want us to see the file.", said Lia. "What if Uris is more dangerous than we thought?".

"Um, we can already tell.", said Cameron. "In case you weren't there, I just killed a man.".

"I think we were all there when we saw that.", Willie said while cringing. "I will never get that out of my mind.".

"So, are we actually doing this?", asked Ashton. "Are we actually going to sneak out and you know, whatever confusing things Willie said.".

"Yeah.", said the Squad.

"Just one question.", said Jonathan. "Who's gonna drive us?".Everyone stared at Jonathan."Well, were you expecting us to walk the whole way there?", asked Jonathan.

"Hey, Cameron has his permit!", said Lia. "Maybe he can drive us.".

"I can't.", said Cameron. "I don't have a car, and I don't have keys to anyone else's car.".

"What about Erin?", asked Chanel.

"I think she is still recovering.", said Ashton, then she sighed, "There goes that plan.".

"Well, then how are we going to get Luke to not be mad at us anymore?", asked Jordan.

"Maybe..", said Millie. "We can just go into Luke's room, and just watch the video, so we know what we are up against.".

"What does that have to do with getting a new drive for Luke?", asked Ashton.

"It doesn't.", said Millie. "We can help Luke by watching the video when he isn't looking.".

"We can't do that.", said Lia. "Luke will be even more pissed at us then he was before!".

"He won't be mad if we don't get caught.", said Millie, crossing her arms.

"We are NOT doing that!" demanded Chanel. "We're already on thin ice! Plus, last time we listened to you, Ashton fell off of an old broken ferris wheel, Jonathan almost got killed spelunking, and Cameron vomited his lungs out.".

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