Uris's Plan

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Immediately the rest of the Squad started screaming at the same time.

"QUIET!", shouted Luke, which made everyone shut up.

"What do you guys have to say for yourselves?", he asked with his arms crossed.

"Son of a biscuit!", shouted Willie, throwing his fists down. "Same, but I wouldn't have said 'biscuit'", said Cameron. "We know.", said Ashton.

"About the drive.", said Luke. "It was just a replica of it, which was why it broke so easily. The real drive was in my pocket the whole time. This was another test that I wanted to give you.".

"It was Millie's idea!", shouted Jonathan. "Then she tricked us all into coming along.".

"Millie talked us into it.", signed Rosanna.

"Yeah!", said Lia. "I'd hate to throw her under bus, but she rephrased the plan so she could-"."I know what she did.", said Luke. "I heard your plan, and let's just say Willie is bad at whispering.".

Everyone turned around the glare at Willie.

"Sorry, but my voice is naturally loud.", said Willie. "It kinda makes it hard to whisper.".

"So you're just gonna let this slide?", asked Cameron angrily. "You're just gonna let Millie get away with almost doing something illegal?!".

"It would be a waste of time anyway.", said Luke. "There was no file in the first place.".Everyone went silent.

"What the hell do you mean there was no video?!", Jordan screamed.

Luke started to snicker.

"Why would you do that to us, man?", asked Ashton. "We did so much to get that video back; we even went so far as to looking up to Millie to make you not mad at us anymore!".

"That was the point.", said Luke. "I wanted to see how well you guys could work together, no matter how much you hated each other, and you preceded to do just that."

"We passed?", asked Lia. "But, we almost hacked into your files to get a video that didn't even exist in the first place!".

"Yeah, but you guys worked together!", said Luke. "And that's all that matters.".

Cameron showed an expression on his face that was a mixture of confusion and anger.

"Could you tell us about Uris' plan?", asked Rosanna. "We feel that he could be more dangerous than we thought he was.".

Luke sighed and led the Squad towards the main hallway to have them sit on the couch.

"When I was going to check on Erin..", explained Luke. "Uris was talking to me, and he was putting these terrible thoughts into my head. He made me think bad things; very bad things. He was saying that you guys didn't look up to me like you said you do, and that I was just risking you guys for my own pleasure. For a second, I started to believe that it was true.".

"Luke.", said Lia, touching his shoulder. "Of course we look up to you. You do so much for us; you even let Aiden into our school, even though he technically wasn't allowed to.".

Luke shrugged. "Stop.", he mumbled.

"What she is saying is true.", said Chanel. "We look up to you. We all do.".

Luke shook his head and looked down at the ground. "You can deny it all you want.", said Jonathan. "But it doesn't matter what you say, because you can't change our minds. We'll always be there for each other.".

Luke looked up at Jonathan and smiled. "The truth is..", said Luke. "I'm just as scared as you guys are. I really want this to be over, but it feels like it's never going to end.". Then, Luke got up and walked out of the main hallway.

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