Indeed..Allah swt is the creator

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بسم الله.......
The best of words is the words of the Quran.

prophet SAW had mentioned that "the superiority of The Kalaam (words) of Allah compared to other words is like the superiority of Allah over his creation"
Hasan Al Tirmidhi 2926.

And indeed....

"If you are grateful, I shall certainly give you increase" [Qur'an, 14:7

Shaykh Salih Aali Shaykh: following is a story of Imaam Malik (RA) and his student!

Imaam Malik-was reading in the Masjid, narrating the hadith of the Prophet عَلَيْهِ الصَّلاَةُ والسَّلاَمُ-and with him was Yahya ibn Yahya Al Layth the narrator of his Muwatta-he and the other students were around Imaam Malik.

A caller screamed out: Great elephants have come to Al Medina!

The people of Al Medina had not seen elephants because elephants do not live in this country. All of the students rushed to see the elephants and they left Malik; except for Yahya ibn Yahya Al Layth; only.

Malik said to him: Why? Have you seen elephants before?

He said: I travelled to see Malik not to see elephants.

And for this reason Allah the Exalted rewarded him such that the narration which is now spread throughout the East of the earth and the West of it, and relied upon for the Muwatta of Imaam Malik, it is the narration of Yahya ibn Yahya Al Layth; despite him being from his minor students. There are narrations from people greater than him, but it was not written that they be granted acceptance.

Please do take a little but of your time to watch the inspirational video linked in sha Allah.

And take time out of your busy schedule for Allah swt. Pray to him, for he is in no need of your prayers but indeed you are. For when the day of judgement rises, you shall face all your deeds and wish you had taken that little second to do more.

Don't exist everyday...but live.


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