Words worthy of Golden Ink

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بسم الله.......
Assalamualaykum sisters and brothers in Islam,

I had come across a book a few days ago and tripped over a story and what really caught my eye in this story was the end of the story, of how a student of knowledge, after accompanying a shiekh had learnt some lessons.
And as humans, we do that.

We learn lessons, we change as a consequence. We are in fact, products of our own past.

As for what the student of knowledge had learnt, the lessons he had were far more precious than anything in the world and so is mentioned as "the worthy words of Golden Ink"

It was narrated upon Shaqeeq al-Balkhi (rahimahullah) that he said to Hatim:
"You have accompanied me for a while so what have you learnt from me?"
He said:" I have learnt from you 8 things:

Firstly: I looked at the creation and found that every person has something which is beloved to him and when he reaches his grave this beloved thing is cut off from him. So I have made my beloved, my good deeds so that it will remain with me in the grave.

Secondly: I looked at the saying of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) :
"And as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires and lusts"
So I strove against my soul defending it from desires until it settled upon obedience to Allah.

Thirdly: I saw that everyone who has something precious safeguards it (with much care), so then I looked at the saying of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala):
"And that which you have will perish and that which is with Allah will remain"
So whenever I came across something which I found to be precious I directed it to Him so that it will remain with Him for me.

Fourthly: I saw that the people were depending upon their wealth, nobility and dignity, which are all nothing (in reality) so I looked at the saying of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala):
"Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah are those who are most pious amongst you"
So I proceeded upon taqwa in order to gain an honorable standing with him (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) .

Fifthly: I saw the people being jealous of each other so I looked at the saying of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala):
"We have divided between them their livelihood"
So I abandoned jealousy because it is in opposition to the destiny of Allah.
Sixthly: I saw them having enmity between themselves so I looked at the saying of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala):
"Indeed the Satan is an enemy for you so take him as your enemy"
So I abandoned this enmity and took the shaytaan as my sole enemy.
Seventhly: I saw them resorting to shameful measures in search for provision so I looked at the saying of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala):
"And there is not a creature on the Earth except that Allah provides for it".
So I engaged myself (in establishing) His rights that He (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) has over me and entrusted what is mine, with him, in assurance of his promise.

Eighthly: I saw them relying (solely) upon their trade and products and strong healthy bodies but I put my trust in Allah the lord of the worlds.

SUBHANALLAH! What lessons, for Allah swt puts foward to us lessons learnt from other generations in front of us and we neglect, the stories of the children of Israel etc have morals that we should take out and better ourselves as humans.

Yet how much do we do that?
I shall leave you all on that note till tomorrow In Sha Allah


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