#13 The Docking Problem

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"So, do you have a plan?" Ash asked while sitting on the bunk bed beside Lucario. "Commander Foxtrot haven't got any new tasks for us to do, current objective was to guard this post." The Admin answered and sat on the bunk bed in front of Ash and beside Ethan. "Why do you guys sounded like soldiers?" Lucario asked. "We intend to disobey by the laws if Whiskey, Alfa, and Romeo were present." The admin answered. "War, in short." Lucario giggled. "So what are you guys doing before you found us?" The admin asked.

"We were heading towards Canalave City to meet up with a man on a yacht, then evacuate to a safer place." Ash answered. "Why not using fly?" The admin asked. "It'd be dangerous, there are Shadow Pokemon that flies and soaring up the skies will likely draw attention and can lead up to our doom." Ash explained. "I guess you're just trying to be careful, anyways another group of Team Rocket will be dispatched to guard that post, you'll be lucky enough if they arrived before you." The admin said. "Thanks, we have to keep moving now." Ash said and stood up. "Here." The admin gave a note with a Phone number written on it and an ID care card for access on bigger shopping quantities and intense medical care.

"That's my phone number, and also an ID care card for medical needs." The admin said and left the bunker. "Shall we grab some food first before going?" Ethan asked and stood up. Ash nodded and went outside to head towards the Pokemart. Ash began walking towards the Pokemart when he noticed a Shadow Typhlosion at the bottom entrance of the city forcing to get through the Chesnaught wall of the Team Rocket Grunts. Ash sprinted and got in the Pokemart, slamming the door shut after getting in.

A Female Grunt of Team Rocket by the cashier greeted him. "Hello sir, how may I help you?" The Grunt greeted him. Ash approached the cashier with his hand in his pocket, holding his wallet. "Do you have a pack of goods that can last 9 person alive for 2 days?" Ash asked. "Sir, that seem to be a big request, I may have to ask the admin about this." The Grunt said while sweatdropping. "No need, I have access." Ash said and shows her the ID care card with a $1000 Dollar Bill attached to it.

"O-Ok." The Grunt agreed and went in the storage room to grab the pack of goods. Few minutes had passed and Ethan and Lucario followed Ash to the Pokemart and went inside. There they saw Ash putting packs of goods in his bag. Both of their eyes widened upon seeing the bag not being full despite the amount of the pack of goods being placed inside. A minute passed by and Ash finally carried his bag while Pikachu was sitting on top of his head. They went outside and continued their journey towards Canalave City.

"How big is your bag?" Ethan asked while holding the bottom of Ash's bag. "Oh, it's endless if you believe enough on yourself." Ash said. Lucario remained focus and kept his view straight on the path and glancing at his back from time to time. "Did you know that he fitted a bicycle and a fishing rod in his damn bag?" Pikachu giggled right after he finished talking. "What?! Impossible!" Ethan exclaimed. "Shut up Ethan, remain silent, they might be watching." Lucario whispered. "Who?" Ethan asked. "The Shadow Pokemon." Lucario whispered. Everything went silent after that.

Few minutes had passed and along the way, Lucario felt a presence of a Shadow Pokemon. "Run." Lucario said and ran. Suddenly, a Shadow Gyarados appeared behind them from the bushes and chased them down. Ash and Ethan sprinted as fast as they could towards the gates of Canalave city where a group of Grunts were standing with their wall of Chesnaught prepared. They successfully made it through and the wall of Chesnaught kept the Shadow Gyarados from entering the city. There they waited by the docks for Blake to arrive.

Near Iron Island

"Oh look, a man wearing a blue cape and a sharp-pointed hat." Umbreon pointed at the man wearing a cape and a hat who's meditating and seem to be waiting for someone near the shore of the Iron Island. "His face is familiar, feel like I've seen him somewhere before." Vlue said while holding his chin. "We are now nearing the Canalave City, hold onto your horses." Blake announced and slowed the yacht down. "Looks like Ash and Ethan made it through, I can see them from here." Said by Professor Rowan who was still remaining on his seat.

"Blake!! Quickly!!" Ash yelled while the wall of Chesnaught behind were struggling to keep the Shadow Gyarados behind. Suddenly, Lucario felt an aura of someone close to him. Lucario closed his eyes and felt Aaron's Aura from the distance. "My dear old friend is close." Lucario said and opened his eyes. On the other hand, Blake was keeping the steering wheel straight. "Hold on people!" Blake said and steered the wheel to the left to perform a drift and pull up on the dock. "Blake! This is too dangerous!" Yelled by Vlue while holding onto something. Rowan, however, was remained on his seat despite the condition.

The yacht turned to its side and hit the dock on it's drift and pulled up successfully. "Damn Blake, you're going to break your own yacht." Vlue said while Ash and the others were climbing up the yacht when suddenly, the Shadow Gyarados got through the wall of Chesnaught and tried to chase them down. Ash and the others where on the yacht when Blake set the yacht on max speed and sprinted away from the docks. The Shadow Gyarados continued to chase them down. "Blake, go faster." Ash said and Blake nodded, he grabbed a key and inserted it on a keyhole and turned it. The yacht suddenly went faster but the Shadow Gyarados was still on their tail.

To Be Continued...

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