#29 The Last Meeting

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Shadow Mewtwo kicked Cyrus causing him to drop on his knees. "What are you doing?! You aren't supposed to hurt me!" Cyrus yelled and Giratina smirked upon hearing him. "You're not the one who's in control here." Giratina said before stepping forward.


Much better audio output compared to the one previous chapter. Enjoy!






"No! It cannot be!" Cyrus yelled while moving away from Giratina. "You were just a pawn to me, and I appreciate the effort and help you've given me to succeed this plan from the very start." Giratina said before approaching Shadow Mewtwo. "Carry him out of the Distortion World and erase him from there." Giratina said and Shadow Mewtwo nodded before slowly approaching Cyrus.

"Leave him alone!" Ash shouted and Giratina was surprised. "You're a brave one, that explains why my men failed their tasks." Giratina said before smirking. "But I will be the one doing it this time." Giratina said before Pikachu hops out of Ash's bag. "Don't kill my Ash!" Pikachu shouted before releasing lightning bolts in attempt to take down Giratina. Giratina endured the attacks like nothing happened. "The attacks did nothing to Giratina, this is bad." Ash said to himself.

"Your attacks are useless compared to mine!" Giratina said before using Dark Pulse on Pikachu. Pikachu got hit and collapsed on the floor. "Pikachu!!" Ash yelled and Giratina laughed. "Bwahahaha!! You poor child." Giratina said and smirked. "You'll be trapped in here just like what happened to Darkrai." Giratina said and Ash began to struggle against the binds in attempt to free himself. "You can't free yourself from that chair, I've modified the binds to be impenetrable by you and that Darkrai's sword can only slice it apart." Giratina explained while smirking.






Red and Ethan were on they way to Mt. Coronet. Red was riding Charizard while Ethan was riding Ho-oh. "Hopefully Ash is in good shape right now." Ethan said in worry. "Hopefully, high probability that he isn't." Red said. "How far are we from the Mt. Coronet?" Ethan asked. "Just a few more minutes before we reach them.

"Ash Ketchum!! What are you now!? Show me how good you are!" Giratina shouted. "In your face! If I get out of here I will kill you!" Ash yelled and Giratina giggled. "You won't, I told you before that those binds can only be broken by Darkrai." Giratina said.

Meanwhile, Shadow Mewtwo was carrying Cyrus when they reached the portal out of the Distortion World. Shadow Mewtwo threw Cyrus before popping his knuckles. "Your last words?" Shadow Mewtwo asked. "Y'all will pay for this!!" Cyrus shouted and Shadow Mewtwo smirked before approaching Cyrus slowly.

"Get away from me!" Cyrus said while crawling his way away from Shadow Mewtwo. "Have a goodnight!" Shadow Mewtwo said but suddenly Red and Ethan arrived at the scene and Red punched Shadow Mewtwo. "You don't intervene with this mess!" Red said while continuously punching Shadow Mewtwo.

"Ethan! Bring me up." Cyrus said and Ethan shook his head. "Don't make me punch you again in this very spot." Ethan said before holding his arms. "You're now in custody." Said by Ethan and Cyrus was disappointed. "Do not intervene Red!" Shadow Mewtwo said and Red smirked. "YOU don't intervene!!" Darkrai shouted who just recently appeared behind Red while holding his sword.

Shadow Mewtwo gulped before Darkrai piercied his sword through him. "Sleep already." Darkrai said before pulling out his sword and Shadow Mewtwo vanished. "Where did you came from?" Red asked. "Behind you while waiting for a perfect time to come out." Darkrai said and giggled.

"Ethan, keep him down while we get out Ash." Red said and Ethan nodded. Red then stepped in front of the portal but Dialgia and Palkia blocked his path. "Move please, we don't have time to deal with you two." Red said and the two shook their heads.

"If that so, Charizard and Ho-oh! Deal with these two for us!" Red called Charizard and Ho-oh and the two nodded before they rushed towards Palkia and Dialgia. The two ended up distracted by the fight. "Now's the chance, let's go Darkrai." Red said and Darkrai nodded before the two went inside the portal.

"I'm not returning back to this forbidden place." Darkrai said while looking around the distorted void of the Distortion World. "Me neither, this place is horrible." Red said while looking around before spotting Giratina in the distance. "There's them!" Red said before pointing at Giratina.

"He's huge, it's my second time seeing him." Darkrai said. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Red said in cheer. "Cling on to me." Darkrai said and Red placed his palm on Darkrai's right shoulder. Darkrai then teleported behind Ash Ketchum. "Ash Ketchum." Darkrai said before slashing the binds with his sword.

"Looks like I have some unwelcomed visitors." Giratina said before turning to see them. "Would you like a cup of tea?" Giratina asked. "No, but we would like cup of peace and you to return to your sleep." Red replied and fuses his power with his Pikachu who's in his bag the whole time.

"Pikachu! Are you alright?" Ash asked while holding his Pikachu. "I'm fine, just hurt." Pikachu said before coughing. "I guess we just have to take care of him now." Ash said and stood up. "You think you can get rid of me easily." Giratina said before giggling.

To be continued


One kid will say, "Woah! Boruto!?" Of course I'm a fan of Boruto!

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