the truth and a fight

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The next morning at school during lunch the whole pack sat at their table isaac told Scott about what he heard  allison and Stiles talking about and how they fell to sleep together in the same bed.

What the hell do you mean they're "cousin" but went to sleep in the same bed

I dont know it's just that Stiles was at allison house in she was talking about how we were wrong for trying to kicked stiles out of the pack and how Stiles did everything for us like keep us alive during all our supernatural fights and how she wants to skin us alive for kicking him out then they fell asleep and stiles was calling allison ali-bear

What do you think is going on with them because I know for a fact that they are not cousin's

Stiles and allison was walking to the table an heard the packs whole conversation she was so mad her hands were glowing she was going to blast them in front of the whole school until Stiles stopped her for making  a mistake she will regret.

Ali- bear don't even though I want to set them on fire too but dont maybe after they kick me out you can have your fun

Okay fine

Do you have necklace the shadowhunters gave you

Yes and the one you gave me too what about you

Yes I have both necklaces and my engagement ring

Ooo let me she it again it's so pretty

Fine you and clary are the only ones I trust with my ring if i need someone to hold the ring.

Stiles and allison set with the pack Stiles took his engagement ring off the necklace he was wearing and handed it took allison it was a blue topaz ring it was alec his fiance father's ring alce and Stiles been together for five years now and now they're engaged it's not just a normal ring no mundanes can't touch it only shadowhunters can touch it would burn a human or supernatural creature from the mundane world.

Here allison I have to use the bathroom but dont loose it alec will have my head

I got you and last time wasn't my fault you scared the hell out of me

Yes I know and I said I was sorry

Now go to the bathroom or your going to pee on yourself by the way you're pouncing your leg.

Stiles left for the bathroom and Scott followed him in to confront Stiles about sleeping with his girlfriend that's supposed to be his cousin and why he has an engagement ring and who alec was he was furious he didn't know what was going on with their ex pack member. Stiles came out the stalls to see Scott waiting for him looking ready to kill him if he so much as talk

Stiles I heard you were sleeping with my girlfriend in her bed last night

The only person I sleep last was allison we were so tired we crashed

Why the hell were you at my girlfriend's house anyway

Who the hell told you I was there anyway were you spying on me

I asked you a question first answer it! and i dont know why you're hanging around my girlfriend anyway you almost killed her

Nope who was listening into my conversation with allison

It was isaac I asked him to make sure allison got home safely and he heard you there so he listen in to the conversation you two were having and told me so tell me why an the hell were you at my girlfriend's house and why did you say allison was your cousin we all know she's not your dame cousin and who is alec and clary and why are you wearing an engagement ring around your neck.

Stiles And Allison are shadowhunters Where stories live. Discover now