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(Y/n) 's POV:

I let out an exhausted sigh as I stepped out of the car in which I had spent hours in. I had moved from Arizona all the way to a small town called South Park, because my parents decided that they would rather live in a neighbourhood like this. As much as I wanted to stay back home, I didn't really have a choice because I'm still 15.

It was pretty chilly here, I could tell that it snowed but it was clearly melting. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mum,
"(y/n), come get your things and unpack, now!" she yelled. I felt bad for her, she's been driving for 12 hours straight so she was exhausted, my dad on the other hand was full of energy since he was sleeping the entire time because he had worked overtime.

I groaned and grabbed two boxes which had contained my belongings. I stepped into the room which I knew would be mine because my aunt and uncle had already put me a bed and closet in there for me, with a note taped to the door saying '(y/n) 's room'. They must have made it here a couple of hours before us (they live in Denver).

I placed the boxes on the wooden floor, opened them and began unpacking my things...

~Time Skip Because I'm Lazy~

After I finally finished unpacking, I layed down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. It was nice, because I could actually hear myself think and relax; back where I used to live, it was always loud, you would hear cars screeching on the road, groups of teenagers shouting incredibly loudly, it was a mess. Over here, cars wouldn't screech on the road every second, and you could hear children running around and playing (not in a creepy I-like-listening-to-children-play kind of way).

Unfortunately for me, I was forced out of my thoughts by a very disturbing voice from outside shouting at someone,
"I'm not fat you fucking jew!" the voice bellowed, making me cringe. I wanted to run outside and punch him, not only did he ruin my moment of peace, but he just made a very racist comment. Also, his voice was so irritating.
"Stop making racist remarks Cartman!" yelled back another voice, making me laugh silently, curious about what would be said next.

"Whatever Kahl, anyway there's supposed to be a new girl in town," stated the first voice, not as loudly as before, but just as annoying, "obviously I'll be able to win her heart because I'm the most handsome one here!" he said, making me roll my eyes and cringe; what a narcissistic little-
"For God's sake Cartman, you're not," said a new voice, this person was obviously annoyed with this boy with the name of Cartman, "anyway, we're here to meet her, show her around town and hopefully become friends with her!" I could hear the Cartman boy groan,
"Guys, we are not going to let a girl join our group! They are too girly and dependent and they suck at video games!" now I was infuriated, first he made a racist comment and now a sexist one? I was going to fix that..

I jumped off my bed and walked over to my window, looking down at the four boys that stood outside my house bickering.

"Yo, which one of you is the dumbass who thinks that all girls are girly, dependant  beings who can't play video games 'cause I'm not any of those things and I bet I can beat your ass at any video game!" I yelled to them with a snicker, causing all of them to jump.

One of them, which I'm assuming was Cartman, was incredibly overweight. He wore a red jacket and a blue and yellow hat that covered his brown hair. His eyes were a dark shade of brown.

The other one wore a light green ushanka and had tufts of curly red hair sticking from underneath it. He wore an orange jacket, and he had emerald green eyes.

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