Hosuh x Reader

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You slowly take a sip of your hot cocoa float while shivering as if there was no tomorrow. The sound of people chattering around you somewhat made you feel at ease. You let out a content sigh as you take another drink from your hot cocoa. You put on your earbuds that were dangling on top of your ears, listening to some calming music while often taking a glance or two at the transparent glass window.

The usual ring of the cafe's bell was heard once more, however, you minded your business and resumed the song playing from your headphones. A few minutes pass and You suddenly heard faint muffling in near you. You take off one of your earbuds to look at the person talking to you.

It was a person with silver hair tied in a low ponytail, pairing it with silvery blue eyes. He looked no older than 24.

You got mesmerized by the man's unique appearance that you didn't pay attention to what he was telling you. You immediately realized this and took off one of the earbuds.

"Uhm, hello... do you mind if I sit here?" The man asked with a soft voice.

"Oh! Of course, go ahead," You answered with no hesitation.

The man pulls out the seat opposite your direction and sits ahead of you. You figured that it would be impolite if you won't introduce yourself to him so you gladly took the first move.

"I'm (Y/N), what's your name?" You leaned over to the man, flashing him a friendly smile. The man paused for a bit before responding.

"I'm Hosuh, nice to meet you, (Y/N)." He replies with a sweet tone in his voice.


You and Hosuh started chatting for hours. Time flew by and the café was about to close up. You two got up from your seats to leave the café with some of your leftovers.

"Hanging out with you was rather fun, I enjoyed it." Hosuh

"I enjoyed it as well!" You laugh with glee. You continued having small talk while walking home, coincidentally your houses were only a 45-minute walk apart. You were about to cross the last street before parting ways when you remembered to do one more thing.

"Do you by chance want to exchange numbers?" You ask sheepishly, beads of sweat forming on the side of your face.

Hosuh agreed quickly, whipping out his phone to set up your number. Not long after that, you both waved goodbye and went separate ways.

Afterward, you finally reached your residence, stepping in before locking the front door. You slip off your shoes, took a shower, and head right to bed.  You take out your cellphone to send a message to Hosuh.

House replied with a cute rabbit gif which made you chuckle. You kept messaging throughout the night till he messages that he was about to go to bed. You sent him a simple "Goodnight!" message before getting ready to sleep yourself. You sleep easy knowing you had a new friend you can spend quality time with.


Author's note: okay, this was a bit short but this was more of a sample of how I write. This isn't based on the real person, only the personas they put on screen.

Danplan x Reader Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now