Hosuh x Teen!Reader

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Request for @randomgirl6282 ! They requested this as a platonic relationship. Hopefully it would be accurate of what you're saying! By the way, I added new keywords for this oneshot. S/N = Sister's name, N/N = Nickname. Enjoy!


After your last class was finished, you ran to your locker, looking around from time to time to see if they were there. You let out a sigh of relief finding out none of them were near. You open your locker and put the heavy books inside, leaving only one book in your hand. You close the locker and went on your way to the school exit downstairs.

The cold silent hallway made you feel at ease, at the same time anxious about what was to come. You finally reached the stairway and started to make your way downstairs.

"I should head down to the bakery later to buy something for (S/N) to eat," You thought.

You noticed you were still several steps away from reaching the first floor. A sense of calmness brushed through you as you believe they aren't bothering you today.

Not until a pair of cold hands on your back pushed you down the stairs.

They were here.

You fell rather harshly. A loud THUMP could be heard from the contact of your body hitting the floor. You immediately stood up and started booking it to the exit.

They were chasing you. You quicken your pace, however, this resulted in you tripping on a pile of rocks just outside the exit, injuring your knees. You forced yourself to stand up again but two of them have already reached you and held you down. You tried to squirm out of their grip but it was no use.

All four of them were laughing at your weak form. "Stop being so stubborn all the time you fucking slut!" The leader of the group said with a devious smile on her face. She and the other bully that wasn't holding you down took the rocks you slipped on and began to hit you with them over, and over, and over again.

The rocks put a gash on your skin with every impact. Your vision began to a blur but you manage to muster up all the strength you have to kick the crotches of the two holding you down. They scream in pain and lets go of you. You tried to make a run for it but one of them held onto your jacket and pulled you back.

"Stop it, stop it, stop it!!" You screamed repeatedly, hot tears were forming in your eyes. All four of them burst out laughing. The leader whips out her phone in one hand and starts recording your sobbing form.

The tears in your eyes rolled down my face non-stop which made all of them laugh harder. The leader then took something out of her school bag while her other hand continued recording you. Your eyes widen at what she took out.

It was a baseball bat.

You tried to release yourself from the bullies' grip but the two of the boys were holding you from behind, leaving you defenseless.

The leader gave the baseball bat to the fourth member of their group.

"Let's see how much it pains the little wench when her best friend sends her to the hospital in one swing!" The leader said wickedly.

That's right. The girl that was now holding the baseball bat was your best friend, keyword; was.

It started when just the three of them were bullying her. You stood up to her and... that was your mistake. You later found out that she was a part of their group and they would target every student that would help her. They were known to do this every year and yet no one took action because they were threatened to be their next target. You always wish you knew sooner.

Your ex-best friend rises the baseball bat above her head and was about to strike, but in what felt like a miracle, you heard a male's voice from behind her.

The adult man took your ex-best friend's bat away from her before she could swing it at you. She falls to her face in front of you.

"What do you think you're all doing to this young kid?!" He shouted. All four of them scattered from the school grounds, screaming in fear.

The man kneeled to your level with a sympathetic look on his face. "Are you alright?" He asked, eyes filled with concern. You shake your head 'no' while tears continued to stream down your face.

The silver-haired man sighed and offered his hand to you. You took it without much thought and he pulled you back up.

"Where's your mom and dad?" He questions.

"... both dead." His eyes widened in surprise at your answer.

"Then... who's taking care of you?"

"My aunt.."

"Do you have her phone number?"

You slowly nodded and gave your phone to him. He scrolled through your contacts till he found the number labeled with your aunt's name, and he rang her up. She picked them up and told him she was on her way.

The man motioned you to sit on one of the benches near the gate. You did as told and sat there beside him silently.

"Ah, I don't think I've introduced myself yet. I'm Hosuh. And you are..?"


"That's quite a pretty name!" Hosuh smiled. A small grin crept on your lips as well. You both talked for a while to stray away from the silence.

Till the topic of them showed up. "How long have they been hurting you..?" Hosuh hesitantly asked.

"Three months." Hosuh was taken aback by this.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I was scared. I figured if I reported them to someone, who knows what they'll do to me." You hold onto your skirt tightly, the bad memories rushing through your head. Hosuh rubs your back gently.

"Well, they won't hurt you now."

"...What makes you say that...?" Hosuh shrugs.

"It's just a feeling, but it's nice to find something positive at times like this." He turns to you to show a reassuring smile.

After waiting half an hour, your aunt arrived along with your little sister. Both of them rushed over to you. "(N/N)! We were so worried!!" (S/N) cried. Your aunt strokes your hair, whispering many apologies.

Your aunt looked over to Hosuh and thanked him for his assistance to which he only nodded.

"If you'd like, I would look after them in school, I'm a teacher here." Hosuh offered

"Yes, as much as you could, please look after them! Again, thank you for helping my (Y/N)."

"My pleasure."

"Now, let's go, you two have school tomorrow and I still have to talk to the principal about this incident."

Your aunt went back in her car followed by your sister. You wave Hosuh goodbye before hopping in the vehicle. He mouthed a "Take care of yourself!" you responded with a thumbs up. Your aunt drove back home and you and (S/N) get ready for bed.

You had a peaceful sleep, knowing from now on, you have a guardian and a friend by your side.

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