Chapter 2

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I'm starring up at the ceiling, still laying in bed not wanting to get up and get ready for the first day of school. It has already been 2 months since that night.The night where i was nearly destroyed, but thankfully saved by someone who i can't get out of my mind. I have been constantly thinking and dreaming about seeing his green eyes again. I have even dreamt about him. I don't know anything about him but i knew one thing, i needed to see him again. As i stare up at my bedroom ceiling i am taken back to that night and how it ended.


We are parked outside my house. Both sitting in his car in complete silence, none of us not wanting to speak up first. I never even got a chance to go back to the restaurant and tell my friends that i was leaving. He just held my hand all way to his car and asked if he could take me home. I know i should of said no, being in a car with a total stranger and him knowing where i live, but at the end of the day he did save me and for some unknown reason I felt safe around him.

I turn towards him, waiting to see if he is going to say something, but he stays silent. He just sits, with his hands still gripped around the steering wheel, and staring out the windscreen. His eyes fixed straight ahead, out onto the road. It was obvious he wasn't going to speak up first.

"uh, thanks for, you know everything." i said looking down to my hands that were in my lap, to nervous to look up and meet his beautiful but somewhat intimidating gaze.

He turned towards me, his green eyes looking into my blue ones. when i looked back at him, i felt this warm, fuzzy feeling creep all over me knowing full well it was the effect of him looking at me the way he did.

" are you okay? really?" he asked, so low and husky that i could barely hear him.

" yeah, i'm fine" 

" did he touch you?" he replied s,ounding a little angry.

"well not really, you came before anything serious hapened. Thank you again" 

" there's no need to thank me, it was nothing" he said sounding as if what he did was no big deal, but it is a big deal, he saved and i couldn't let him believe anything other than that.

"no, it wasn't nothing. You saved me and i can't say how grateful i am. I was an idiot, i shouldn't of been standing there in that alley way alone, if it wasn't for you i don't know what would of happened." after my ramble i looked back down at my lap feeling like a complete idiot for putting myself in the situation i was earlier tonight.

"hey" he whispered placing his thumb and forefinger under my chin, forcing me to focus my attention on his jade green orbs " what happened tonight was not your fault, he is nothing but a disgrace of man and he deserves to suffer for what he has done."

"um well thanks again, if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be here right now." i whispered feeling a shiver run down my spin, remembering what could of happened earlier tonight.

"well im just glad you screamed, that's the only way i knew you were there, oh and nice kick i must say" he chuckled. 

"um it sort of just happened" i said looking down at my watch, shit it was nearly one already.

"it's getting pretty late, my parents are going to be worried" i said as i was opening his car door and getting out of his car. i turned around and popped my head through the open window.

"have a good summer" i smiled 

"you too, Lea " he replied with a smirk on his face.

"wait, how do you know my name?" i said, stunned at the fact that he knew my name.

"uh your necklace, it has your name on it" he smiled

"oh right" i said looking down at my necklace.

"okay well see you around".

"bye" i replied in a low murmer.

When i reached my front door i turned around to see him waving goodbye and pull away from the curb. I unlocked the door and slipped in trying hard not to make too much noise, in case my parents would wake up. I leaned against the door and let out a deep breath i didn't realize i was holding. All i kept thinking was, how much i wanted to see him again, wait i forgot to ask what his name was or anything else about him for that matter. All i knew about him was the way he looked like and how amazing he was for saving me. He will be forever in my mind.

 (end of flashback)

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