Chapter 5

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Harry POV

I was certain i was going to hate this place called Brightwood. I hated that i was forced to move away from my friends, my popularity, my old life. But i also couldn't bare to live in our old house any longer. It was pure torture being constantly reminded and surrounded by what had happened not to long ago. My older sister Grace and i needed a change, a fresh start. We needed move on and be happy and hopefully that would be here in Brightwood.

Both our parents had died in a car accident six months ago. My sister handled it as well as someone who just their parents could, but i on the other hand didn't. I turned to alcohol and partying but when that didn't work i turned to women. It was only a matter of time before i would end up on drugs or worse in prison. I was on the fast track to self destruction and if it wasn't for Grace i didn't know were i would be. 

I had only lived here for about three weeks when i saw Lia in that dark alley way. I will never forget the sight of her being pushed up against that wall being completely helpless. I had never felt such anger towards someone, who in that right mind would do such a thing to an innocent young woman.

When i returned home after dropping her off, i had just layed in my bed for hours. I wanted to see her again and i realized that maybe i had moved here for a reason and maybe that reason was Lia.


Just looking at her right now in the middle of English class was torture. Seeing her sitting there looking out the window was making me crazy. I knew i was staring but i couldn't help it she was stunning. He short pink skirt alone was making me hard. Everything about her was perfect, her long tanned legs, her blue eyes and those fucking lips. 

Just as i was about to force myself to look away, she pulled out her phone. She was smiling and slightly shaking her head at who ever was texting her. She began to slowly scan the room until her gaze locked onto mine. Fuck, she caught me starring. Nice one Harry now you look like a creep.

I was certain that she would freak out by my creepiness and look away but she just kept looking at me. It was as if everything around us stopped. My heart started to pound and all i could do was focus on Lia. Her mouth opened slightly and her chest began to rise and fall desperately trying to draw in oxygen.

Just as i thought she couldn't look any more sexy she bites down on her plump pink lip causing me to shift in my seat. She was already turning me on just by looking at me and she had no idea. Lia kept looking at me, starring intensely into my eyes. In that moment i knew she felt the exact same way. She wanted me just as much as i wanted her.

Lia's POV

After Harry's and my intense, weird and truth be told hot as fuck encounter this morning i have been on edge all day. It's as if the day couldn't go any slower. I haven't been able to think about anything else all day. I never think about guys in any other way than just friends, but Harry has me picturing and imaging things that arn't so innocent. 

I begin to pack up my things and begin walking out of maths class.The last period had been horrendous. I hate maths and ending the day with it was even worse. I spot Lex leaning against the wall just outside my classroom waiting for me. " Why are you out so early?" I ask.

"oh the new art teacher let us early, cause it's the first day back" she informed me smiling. We make our way to the senior corridors and head straight to the lockers. " so i was wondering can you give me a lift home? mum has to work late, again" 

" Lia i would, but i can't i have to go to the library and start on my art assignment " 

"oh that's okay, i will just take the bus no biggie" i lied. I dreaded taking the bus, i would rather walk. But it would take too long. We reach my locker and i begin to stuff all the books i need to take home tonight.  " is there anyone else who can take you home".

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