Chapter 4

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Hi guys hope you all enjoy this chapter.
Joana xx

As i sat here, in the back row of the classroom next to Lexi, i couldn't move, it was like the mere sight of him made me paralyzed, i was utterly speechless. The only thing i could do was stare at him, absorbing everything about him. The way he was standing in the doorway, the way his curls were pushed back from his forehead, and those mesmerizing emerald coloured eyes. He was without a doubt the most beautiful person i have ever seen.

I didn't know why he affected me so much, and it wasn't just for the fact that he saved me. I'm aware that i have only met him once but there was just something about him, there was this force that pulled me towards him and made me feel something . There was something different about Harry Styles.

I was suddenly snapped back into reality by Lexi's voice "Hello Lia, you there hun?"

"huh, oh yeah what?" i asked not having a clue about what she had just said.

"you okay?, you just zoned out" 

" uh yeah it was just -" i  started to explain, only to be quickly cut off by Lexi.

"oh Lia don't tell me you have finally found someone who gives you the tingles" she smirked, obviously referring to something  i wasn't comfortable discussing, even with her.

"oh my god no, it's just that's him" i said still looking directly at harry,  who was currently talking to our homeroom teacher at the front of the class.

"him who?" Lexi answered, with confusion present all over her face.

"it's him Lex, it's the guy from the restaurant, the one who saved me" i whispered, not wanting anyone else know what had happened.

"what are you serious!" she said loudly. Great, just fucking great. she might as well have screamed into a fucking microphone.

." shh Lex shut up" i said quickly but as if on cue Harry looked up and scanned the room before quickly locking his gaze with mine.

He focused his stare  on me for a fraction longer remembering exactly who i was, before giving me a small lopsided smirk. Too shy by his penetrating gaze, i slowly sank further into my seat looking away so he can't see my already burning cheeks. That smirk alone could give me heart failure. Lia get a grip for the love of god.

"wow Lia, he is um" Lex murmured, while slowly looking him up and down. Was she seriously eye fucking him right now.

"Lexi, can you please stop eye fucking him" 

"what, he is quite the view Lia" she smirked.

"yeah i know, I'm not blind" i responded becoming more and more frustrated at my best friend.

" Lex focus please, this is so bad, it's really really bad. What the hell do i do now?"

"what do you mean, what do i do now, go and talk him" she answered as if it was the most simple thing in the world. God i was so envious of her confidence. 

"are you serious i am not going to talk to him. No, no freaking way, what if it's awkward or he thinks i'm weird or worse totally ignores me. Lex we need to leave like right now". Before Lexi could argue i stood and grabbed her hand and dragged her along with me heading straight to the door. 

" uh excuse me ladies, where do you think your going?"  Mr Pearson asked making both of us stop and look at each other, waiting for the other to speak first. Damn Lex you choose now to keep your stupid big mouth shut.

"uh we have to um -" i tried to make up some excuse that required lex to come with me and that wasn't embarrassing but my mind was at a total blank. 

" well lia if that would be all, please go back to your seats, i still need to finish talking to Harry here" he said politely with a smile on his face. It was impossible to hate Mr Pearson, he was one of the most nicest teachers at this school.

" well lia whats plan B, considering your first plan was a fail" she said sarcastically, keeping her eyes fixed on her pink nails " shut up. it's not like you were any help" i said angrily, which only caused her to chuckle lightly. Lexi rarely took things seriously and that was one of the many things i loved about her.

As we both sat down i allowed my gaze to drift back up to harry, he received a few papers from Mr Pearson and scanned the room before heading straight towards us.

" lex is he coming this way, yup his coming here" i started to panic, only making lexi burst into laughter. " relax lia stop stressing, it's like your a totally different person"  Just as i was about to answer back, harry took the seat directly in front of us and turning back towards me. oh shit he is even more amazing up close.

Hey your lia right ?" He asked in a, low husky voice, i was stunned that he remembered my name, i knew he would recognize me, but i wasn't expecting him to remember my name.

" uh yeah, lia summers"

" yeah i remember you, your lia with the necklace. It's nice to see you again" he smiled sweetly, showing off his cute dimples that i haven't see before.

"um it's nice to see you again to, oh and this is lex" i pointed to lex who was showing off her best smile. " her best friend" lex added for some unknown reason. 

"oh hi, nice to meet to you, uh would you be able to help me out with this" harry said referring to his new schedule. I was focused on my phone thinking he was talking to lex. That was until she  harshly elbowed my side" aw, was that really necessary" she only tilted her head to harry indicating that he was talking to me. 

"oh yeah, um let me see" i said, hating that I just made myself look like a total idiot. I quickly saw his schedule for Monday and saw that he was in the same English class and as lex and i.

"uh you have English first, same class as us" i informed him, making him smile.

"great, thanks" he said turning back around to face the front.


I was half way through English class watching the most boring and pointless movie ever created. It was something to with the book we were currently studying. I hated English with a passion and because of that i didn't get the best marks, well at least i wasn't failing. The room was set out differently compared to homeroom. All the students sat in single desks in rows, we also had allocated seats that we had to sit in every lesson, meaning i was no way near lexi. 

I was staring out the window with my head resting on my crossed arms, when i felt my phone vibrate. I slowly took it out of my bag so that Mrs Johnson my English teacher wouldn't see it.

From Lexi   Harry hasn't stopped looking at you.

To Lexi  yeah right.  I replied not believing it for a second. Why would he be looking at me anyway.

From Lexi  Don't believe huh, turn around and see for yourself. 

After reading her message i place my phone back into my bag and began to slowly scan the room in search for his gaze. I suddenly felt a shiver run down my spine as our eyes locked. He didn't tear his intense gaze away from mine and no matter how much i wanted to look away i couldn't. He kept his eyes fixed on me making my mouth go dry. I licked my lips slowly before biting down on my lower lip, making him shuffle slightly in his seat. No one has ever affected me like he does and in this moment i knew i was slowly falling for him.

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