xv. Just As It Should Be

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Emilia couldn't believe the feeling running through her face. Scratch that, it was a feeling running through every spot in her body. She nearly broke the kiss because she thought her heart was going to explode with the joyous feeling inside of it.

You know when you see something so cute, so precious, that your heart tightens up? That was Emilia right now, times ten.

She melted into Tom, literally, as he wrapped his right hand around her waist and put his other hand on her jaw. The kiss was only for about 3 seconds, then they slowly parted and kept eye contact.

The night sky only let Emilia see the prominent features of Tom's face, like his structured cheekbones or his perfect nose. Or his cute little untamed eyebrow, or his beautiful chocolate pupils.
Everything about him screamed Prince Charming.

"Do it again," She whispered earnestly. Tom smiled unlike he usually did, showing his perfectly straight and white teeth.

"If you insist," He said in the same hushed tone, and connected their lips once more. The feeling was even stronger, and Tom stroked her jaw.

An instinctive memory from the kiss scenes she had seen in movies made Emilia put her hands into the back of Tom's hair, lightly playing with the roots of his curls.

Her lips just kind of did the opposite of what Tom's did. When he would focus on her upper lip, she would focus on his bottom. She felt like she was about to be told she was a terrible kisser, but in actuality, she was pretty decent for a first timer.

This kiss was about 15 seconds, a tremendous upgrade from the last. When they separated, Emilia sat back and felt Tom's muscular arms pull her closer to him.

Her small frame sat and looked up at the stars once more, realizing her first kiss was a dream like experience.

"How was that for a first kiss?" Tom asked. It still had a cocky tone to it, but it was much more gentle.

"Better than I could've ever imagined," She responded and turned to him then back to the sky.

He sighed and moved his arm up around her shoulders, "Yeah, you were pretty good for a first timer."

"Really?" She asked with a hint of excitement in her voice. Her voice sounded like a mixture of Cinderella and Alice from Alice in Wonderland, honestly.

"Yeah, but I might have to test that theory a few more times," He teased and her heart sped up.

They sat outside in a comfortable silence before the door leading to the balcony opened. Tom removed his arm from her to turn around. It was Haz.

"You guys done making babies? Been out here for thirty minutes," He asked. Emilia blushed immensely and Tom flipped him off.

"Galas are boring, so no, I think we'd prefer to stay out here," Tom answered.

"Alright. It'll probably start emptying out in an hour," Haz said. Tom hummed in response and turned around once Haz left.

Emilia turned to Tom, "The galas are only two hours long? I thought it was like, four hours."

"I told you guys a later time to show up because when people first get here, they aren't boozed up yet. So they're all mean, and I didn't think you and Celia would like that," Tom explained and Emilia nodded.

"So you guys must live really far away from here, since we live an hour from here," Emilia guessed and Tom's response surprised her.

"Actually, we only live thirty minutes from here. You guys could stay the night since you won't be getting home til midnight, and driving in the dark on those curvy roads sucks," Tom offered.

Emilia thought about it. Unusual night routine? Yes. But more bonding time with Tom? Also yes. It was decided.

"That sounds great, and I'm sure Celia would love to," Emilia responded. Tom sighed in relief.

"I have some clothes you could wear, and stuff from...past lovers," He said awkwardly. The all black suit shifted as he rubbed his neck and Emilia stifled a laugh.

"It's fine, it's not like you're not allowed to have of dated other people just because we kissed," Emilia said even more awkwardly.

"That's great, because I'm making you sleep with me," Tom sighed. Then his eyes widened as he realized what he had said. "I didn't mean like that, I meant, like, in my bed."

Emilia laughed because she had never seen Tom nervous and stuttering like that. "Tom, are you...nervous?"

He laughed and his cocky smirk returned, "No, just making sure you don't think I'm using you."

Well, Emilia thought, now it's confirmed. I'm in love.

It was a term and phrase Emilia never thought she'd be saying. Mainly because she didn't think she'd ever  even get a boyfriend, but a little because she was scared of getting her heart broken by some dickhead.

Her father had always told her that most men were useless and cruel, and that he'd find her a man that had 'good values.'

If she had to bet, those good morals would be killing anyone when they annoy them. Nevertheless, Emilia was without her father now and didn't like thinking about him.

Tom and Emilia sat out in the cool night for the rest of the hour and continued talking. At first it was just small talk but then Emilia started seeing a deeper side of Tom. The angered and frustrated man, who hated society.

Yet he also saw himself as the issue. But he knew he was much too deep into his situation to leave, so he stayed and occasionally found joy in it.

Then, they went back inside and watched with Celia and Haz as the place emptied out. Tom and Haz said their goodbyes to their close friends and eventually, they all left too. The workers cleaned up the room, and it was soon dark and abandoned.

. ° ∗ ✩ ∘ ❦ ⁻ ∗ .

i rlly rlly liked this chapter, hope you did too!!
one more update today, but please VOTE if you enjoyed this one!!

love you sweet angel beautiful person!!
p.s. that made no fucking sense but just remember ur perfect in ur own way!

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