Tip#1: Be in the right state

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Be in the right state. What does that mean? Being in the right state is being a positive, flexible person that is passionate, receptive, and ready for anything. When you're in the wrong state and are selling something, you run the risk of potentially losing the sale very quickly. Selling is "transference of emotions." Think of a time when you bought something. Was your sales person upbeat, knowledgeable and excited, or were they bored, unprepared and dull? When it comes to being in the right state, it all starts with you. Yes, you, the one reading this book. The top sellers in our society have the ability to manage their emotions and press the "on" button at any given time. What a great skill to have, don't you think? Now, before we go any further, I want to be considerate and shine light to the fact that we've all experienced bad things. It's called life. We cannot possibly be expected to control everything we've been through in the past or are experiencing right now. We all make mistakes, and learn from experience. Just remember, you are in control of your own thoughts. Many people will be able to read your energy instantly. It is essential that you bring a positive mindset into the world of selling. If you need help with this; stay tuned. I have some good news for you.


So let me ask you. What is your favorite thing to do when feeling stressed? Is it eating a tub of ice cream? Hitting the bag at the gym? Reaching for the bottle of whisky? Everyone deals with stress in a different way. You may like to listen to music, eat, drink, workout, smoke or meditate; everyone needs to find what works for them. There will be times when you're upset, angry, or just out of it. I highly recommend getting yourself out of this negative state immediately. One of my favorite ways to change my state is by meditating. I personally like listening to guided meditations through an app called "Calm". This really caters to any emotion you may be feeling at any given moment. For example, if you're at work and having some difficulty being productive then you can easily select a "Focus" meditation for a few minutes or if you're having trouble sleeping you can select a "Sleep" meditation as well. The app is great and you can really customize it to you. It has a free session to try before your buy. I got a membership through them for just around $40 a year ($3.33 a month, right around the price of a cup of coffee each month). My mental health is a great priority to me, and it should be to you. When you stress about something, you tend to perform more poorly than average. If you show up to a prospect and you are happy, positive, alert, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable, your chances of getting the sale are significantly increased. To summarize: if you feel good, you will produce better results.

Here's an interesting scenario I have for you: If your little nephew or son, experiencing their terrible twos, spills his drink, do you get upset and raise your voice as you aggressively ask "Why did you do that?!", or do you remain calm and not let this impact your mood at all? If you let this scenario alter your mood as you go to meet your next prospect, they will likely not buy simply because they can feel your energy. You have to be at 100% at all times before, during, and after the sale. Think about it, would you buy from someone who looks like they hate their job? Or, would you rather buy from someone who loves what they do and happy to see your smiling face? Is the sale worth it? If it is, make the effort. You could be making a decent-to-great living by always being in the right state of mind! Just remember this phrase, "Whatever controls your attention controls your life."

Benefits of meditation

*Clear mind

* Lower blood pressure

*Less anxiety

*Better sleep

*Faster healing

*Stronger immune response

* Decreased use of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes


As you can see, meditation is great! What's another good way to get you into the right state? May I suggest a smile? Say cheese! Wake up every day and allow yourself to smile. It has been said that smiling, whether real or fake, allows you to feel better. The best part about this is that the brain doesn't know the difference, and you reap all the benefits.

Benefits of smiling

*Make you more attractive to others
*Boosts your Immune system

*Lowers blood pressure

*Relieves stress and anxiety

*Makes you more approachable

*Changes your mood

*Releases Endorphins and Serotonin

Power Move

In addition to smiling and meditation, there is also a very effective technique called a "Power move". This is when you display a high power pose, which is open and relaxed. For example, you put your hands up in a "V" shape for 2 minutes, like if you just won a jackpot on a slot machine or finished a long marathon. One of the more popular power moves out there is called the "Wonder Woman". The reason behind this is because you put your hands on your hips with feet planted firmly on the ground, posing as the powerful Wonder Woman. Doing any of these power moves reduces stress, anxiety, and may help you become more confident. It boosts your testosterone (the dominance hormone) and lowers your cortisol, which is the stress hormone. The best part of doing a power move is that you can do it for 2 minutes in private and get the benefits immediately. Your body will make your mind feel better; just like your brain can make you feel good by releasing endorphins. Our bodies are amazing, and you have the choice to make yourself feel better right now! Just do it! Make the commitment to always be in the right state to help you with the sales process.


Meditation: Meditating is a great way to clear your mind and allow it to perform at its best.

Smile: Smiling whether real or fake allows you to feel good by releasing endorphins.

Power move: Doing a power move for 2 minutes allows you raise your testosterone levels and lower your cortisol levels, therefore allowing you to be in a better state instantly.

Practice these three things to get your mind right and put you in the right state instantly.

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