You've gone through a couple of great steps to get to this point. Now is the time when you TAKE ACTION! This is for all the marbles. Most sales people in this day and age don't ask for the sale because they fear rejection. I've always wondered why that is. Why did you invest so much of your time if you weren't going to ask them to buy today? Do you like to waste your time? Keep in mind that time is money, and you don't want to throw it away. Time is our most valuable asset, because, once you lose time, you can never get it back. Keeping that in mind, don't be afraid; this is normal for you to ask them to buy. Start off by assuming the role of the buyer. Convince yourself they're going to buy today. You are the sales professional and it's your responsibility to ask the client if they want to buy. We all hate rejection and have experienced it in one way or another. Some sales people will completely forget to ask for the sale which is the most important, and crucial question. ASK FOR THE SALE!Bridge to closing questions
Start off by asking a few questions to bridge into a closing question.
What do you like most of what you already have?
What do you want that you don't already have?
Would it be fair to ask what you dislike about what you already have?
So, based on what you've told me, I'd like to suggest... (Idea, product, or service).
By asking a customer about their likes, wants, and dislikes, you tie the problems and solutions together. There are many ways to ask a prospect to buy. Here's a list of a few closing questions to ask when you have connected with your customer, answered all their questions, and presented them with the benefits of your product or service. Use these and make them unique to what you are selling. As you're asking the questions, nod gently and ask with confidence.
Closing questions:
"So when should we start the service?"
"Why don't you try this product out today?"
"Would you like to pull the trigger and set this up now?"
"So, Francisco, are you ready to place the order?"
"Do you have any more questions, or are you ready to proceed?"
"So, would you like to take this home today?"
"So what do you say? Ready to be the owner of this fine vehicle?"
"Perfect! What's the address you want us to send this to?"
"Sounds good to me, what do you think?"
These are all great closing questions to ask. There are so many more. The possibilities are endless! Asking for the sale should come natural if you've really addressed your customer's needs. This should be one of the most exciting parts of the sales process. You are in charge and should be happy to help your customer. Now that they have said yes and have purchased from you, all you need to do now is ask for a referral. Chances are, if you're selling, you may carry business cards. When you hand them the paperwork, or finish selling your product, hand them a business card and two additional cards. Say "Thank you so much for your purchase, and if you really liked the way I treated you, I would definitely appreciate a referral." Always thank your customer for their business. Remember: you make your living because of them. Showing them appreciation for the sale makes them feel good. It is also beneficial for you to ask for referrals because it insures you become the go to sales person in the future. You will have repeat business, which will allow you to build a strong cliental. Having many customers who know about you and your product will make your life so much easier and profitable. To sum it all up, it's like having your customers work for you...for free! This is great, because, not only did you make a sale and get paid for it, but you also made a great friend in the process.
● Remember the questions to bridge into closing questions.
● Closing questions will help you seal the deal. Practice, and come up with as many closing questions as you can. This is your moment to make it happen.
● Close the sale, thank your customer and ask for future referrals.

7 Sales Tips
NonfiksiIs sales really hard? This simple book gives you 7 Sales Tips that will take your sales skills to another level. Whether you're just starting off in sales or a professional, this book will give you a secret look into the world of sales! Discover the...