one more release

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"No. Absolutely not."

"Chloe, take the time to think about it. You are way too talented for the Chance Daily. They don't appreciate you there."

"I won't work for you."

"Why not? This is a job opportunity. Think about what you're turning down. I certainly pay better than the Daily."

Chloe narrowed her eyes at him.

"When did money become a deciding factor for you?" she demanded. "If I remember correctly, you and I grew up in the same neighborhood, Mr. Senator," she sneered.

"You know that's not what I meant, Chloe. But you don't have to wear poverty like a badge of honor. It isn't."

"Of course it's not," Chloe shot back. "But now that you're living in one of the richest districts in the country, you really don't see the problem with looking down your nose at me? At least I'm doing honest work. Work I really believe in." Benjamin scoffed loudly. What an infuriating man. Still as bullheaded as the day Chloe left him.

"Work you believe in? You really believe in Fred Rodney, huh?"

"I do! Frederick's financial plan for Chance City actually makes sense. It's real. People relate to him because he understands that what people like me, people like who you used to be, need real help. What we don't need is an arrogant Mister Stone who forgot about what living in the projects was like as soon as he got to the Hill!"

Benjamin's nostrils flared in anger, and a lightning of fury shone brightly in his eyes. Chloe's heart was beating, she could feel the blood warm in her cheeks. This moment was electric, a smooth current that coursed through the room and set them both on edge. Benjamin stood up, towering over her.

"That's bullshit, Chloe, and you know it. I'm offering you real help. And you know that if I were any other person, you'd take the damn job."

"Keep it," Chloe spat at him. "I don't need a hand out. Or better yet, give it to Nicole." A splash of surprise spilled into Benjamin's expression. Chloe gave a hard, sharp laugh. "You're going to have to be a little less transparent with your emotions on the campaign trail," she said.

"How do you know about Nicole?" Benjamin asked. Chloe's journalist instincts set in. She'd found a spot that hurt and now she wanted to press it.

"What's going on between you and her?" Chloe asked. "Are you guys fucking? Is that it?"

"Chloe," Benjamin said in a tone that she didn't recognize. It was low and dangerous. It thrilled her. It pushed her to keep going.

"How very Bill Clinton of you," Chloe pressed. Benjamin stepped closer.

"Chloe," he warned again. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't I?" she asked. "How many Nicoles are there in your life, Ben? How many blonde assistants have made their way across your desk?"

Chloe hadn't intended to devolve down this line of questioning. What Benjamin did in his spare time was none of her business. After all, she'd been the one to end their relationship. And yet, the thought of him being with someone else made her hurt. The least she could do was make him uncomfortable, too.

"How many, Ben?" she demanded, stepping closer to him. "How many women do you have on the roster?"

"One," he growled, grasping her around her waist and dragging her flush against his body. She gasped at the erection she felt there. "You."

He dipped his head and captured her lips in his and it felt like coming to life. Chloe moaned under his touch, and when she did, his tongue slipped past her lips to wrestle with hers. One of his hands reached into her hair, tugging gently to give him better access. The other grabbed a firm hold of her ass molding her even more tightly to him. Chloe, the weak woman she was, wrapped herself around him, savoring the way he felt beneath her fingertips. Her body had waited eight years for him, and now that he was here, she wanted to satiate her hunger and was terrified that she would never be able to.

She pushed his suit jacket away, and he slipped out of it and let it fall to the ground.

"Benjamin," she whimpered when he pulled away to nibble gently at her ear and press heated kisses down her neck. Her body acted on its own accord, rolling her core against his erection, working desperately to find some release.

"It's only you, Chloe. It's only ever been you."

Chloe pulled away, panting. She rested her forehead against his, eyes closed, heart beating faster than it should've. His arms were still around her, still holding her to him, grounding her to earth when her head was up in the clouds and her dreams were of the stars.

"Benjamin," she breathed softly. "You have to go."

"Chloe, why are you always pushing me away?"

Wordlessly, she pulled away from him, unable to meet his gaze. She went to the door. Unlocked it. Held it open. And watched the love of her life walk through it. After she was sure he was gone, she sat on the floor and cried.

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